open socket left in connection Debugging | NGINX…
Python socket doesn't close connection properly The error information: [Errno 98] Address already in use The reasion: The resolution:…
解决方案: My evil workaround (don't do this in production!): import urllib2 #也可以是urllib import ssl ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE urllib2.urlopen("https://your-test-server.local", contex…
前端一直是一块充满惊喜的土地,不仅是那些富有创造性的页面,还有那些惊赞的效果及不断推出的新技术.像node.js这样的后端开拓者直接将前端人员的能力扩大到了后端.瞬间就有了一统天下的感觉,来往穿梭于前后端之间代码敲得飞起,从此由前端晋升为'前后端'. 图片来自G+ 本文将使用Node.js加web socket协议打造一个网页即时聊天程序,取名为HiChat,中文翻过来就是'嗨聊',听中文名有点像是专为寂寞单身男女打造的~ 其中将会使用到express和socket.io两个包模块,下面会有介绍…
根据stackoverflow的答案: 原文:A socket represents a single connection between two network applications. These two applications nominally run on different computers, but sockets can also be used for interprocess communication on a single computer. Applicatio… supervisorctl reread error: <class 'socket.error'>, [Errno 111] Connection refused: file: /usr/lib64/python2.6/ line: 56 You have to start supervisord before you can…
SocketListenerPusher.java代码如下: import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.c…
原文: 中秋休息了几天,今天又开始捣鼓socket.io了.今天的任务是通过socket.io控制你的Reveal幻灯片 工具&原料   nodejs  Reveal.js Reveal.js 是使用html5和css3实现的通过浏览器播放的幻灯片工具,不熟悉的请go 完成今天的任务我们得知道几个方法: 滚动右边的显示…
用Ubuntu远程登录虚拟host时出现:    start: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused 解决: sudo dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl ln -s /bin/true /sbin/initctl        PS:输入命令就好,至于出现什么不用管.然后,再执…
Simple Client-Server socket program in PHP Introduction Sockets are used for interprocess communication. Interprocess communication is generally based on client-server model. In this case, client-server are the applications that interact with each ot…