var devices = vm.config.hardware.device; System.log(devices) for (i in devices){ if (devices[i].deviceInfo.label == diskString){ var disk = devices[i] Sys…
Workflow: Use this process to model and automate real world business processes. These processes can be configured to run in the background or in real time and can optionally require user input. Workflow processes can start automatically based on spec… SOLUTIONS: Each of these solutions reduce compile time. Use one or all of them together to get the biggest speed increase. #1 -…
这篇文章主要基于上一篇的基础上,create a sample workflow by SharePoint Designer 2013. 这里简要说一下我们接下来需要应用workflow完成怎样的一个功能:当在list中add item的时候自动触发workflow来更新title的value. 首先创建一个Custom List named 'MyList' Site Contents-->add an…