1. 查询transaction历史记录 https://forum.ethereum.org/discussion/2116/in-what-ways-can-storage-history-be-accessed 2. solidity开发测试建议流程 Before putting your contract on the Blockchain, I recommend you to test your contract with TestRPCto simulate on your com…
前言: 在使用solidity写智能合约的时候,会使用到revert和require来进行断言,比如: require(tokenOwner[tokenId] == 0x0,'this is not the first create'); 在上面的断言中,只有当你满足了tokenOwner[tokenId] == 0x0这个 条件,你才能继续往下执行,否则就会报错“this is not the first create”. 然后当我们使用remix这个编译器的时候,是能够在出错的时候得到rea…
Versioning¶ Solidity versions follow semantic versioning and in addition to releases, nightly development builds are also made available. The nightly builds are not guaranteed to be working and despite best efforts they might contain undocumented and…
ASP.NET Core 1.1.0 Release Notes We are pleased to announce the release of ASP.NET Core 1.1.0! Antiforgery AspNetCoreModule AzureIntegration BasicMiddleware Caching Common Configuration CORS DataProtection DependencyInjection Diagnostics DotNetTools…