1.引用iTextSharp,用于拆分和合并pdf文件 using iTextSharp.text; using iTextSharp.text.pdf; 2.合并pdf //outMergeFile是pdf文件合并后的输出路径 //lstFile里存放要进行合并的pdf文件的路径 public static void mergePDFFiles(string outMergeFile, List<string> lstFile) { if (!Sql.IsEmptyString(outMer…
时间范围分区拆分create table emp (id number(6) not null,hire_date date not null)partition by range(hire_date)(partition p_1998 values less than (to_date('1998-12-31','YYYY-MM-DD')),partition p_1999 values less than (to_date('1999-12-31','YYYY-MM-DD')),partit…
--=========================================== --准备测试数据 USE [DB0001] GO CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [pf_Test1](bigint) , ) GO CREATE PARTITION SCHEME [ps_Test1] AS PARTITION [pf_Test1] ALL TO([PRIMARY]) GO CREATE TABLE TB2 ( ID ,) PRIMARY KEY, C1 ) )ON[…
OGG(Oracle GoldenGate)参数介绍 所有的GoldenGate进程均有参数文件 Manager Extract Replicat Utilities 所有参数均有缺省配置 实际应用只需对小部分参数进行配置 所有参数文件均放在 ./dirprm目录下 缺省通过进程名进行查找 一.全局参数 MGRSERVNAME Specifies the name of the Manager process when it is installed as a Windows service.…