JAAS 是个什么梗】的更多相关文章

参考资料 该文中的内容来源于 Oracle 的官方文档.Oracle 在 Java 方面的文档是非常完善的.对 Java 8 感兴趣的朋友,可以从这个总入口 Java SE 8 Documentation 开始寻找感兴趣的内容.本博客不定期从 Oracle 官网搬砖.这一篇主要讲 JAAS,官方文档在这里 Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) Reference Guide. 前言 说实话,我用 Java 这么多年基本上就没有用…
一.Kerberos 二.安装 node01服务器安装Kerberos的核心服务master KDC,node02和node03安装Kerberos client cm也安装在node01上了 1.master节点配置 在node01上 yum install krb5-server krb5-libs krb5-auth-dialog krb5-workstation 修改配置文件,/etc/krb5.conf [logging] default = FILE:/var/log/krb5lib…
@作者 彭海波 转载请注明出处 前言 由于需求的快速迭代和敏捷测试的要求,在测试过程中引入自动化成为必不可少的手段.作为一个互联网测试团队,我们自然也引入了自动化测试这个环节.在众多的测试框架中,我们选取了相对成熟稳定,支持多种平台的Appium框架.虽然Appium自身的Api能解决大多数的测试场景,但总有漏网之鱼.不巧,就是这些漏网之鱼往往成为我们自动化实施中的那些梗.本文主要介绍我们测试团队在Appium UI自动化实施过程遇到的梗,以及对应的解决方法. 自动化测试 Appium自动化框架…
JAAS provides pluggable authentication, which means ActiveMQ will use the same authentication API regardless of the technique used to verify user credentials (a text file, a relational database, LDAP, and so on). All that’s required is an implementat…
The following topics are covered in this section: JAAS and WebLogic Server JAAS Authentication Development Environment Writing a Client Application Using JAAS Authentication Using JNDI Authentication Java Client JAAS Authentication Code Examples The…
The Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) is a standard extension to the security in the J2SE Development Kit 5.0. JAAS provides the ability to enforce access controls based on user identity. JAAS is provided in WebLogic Server as an a…
Hello all, In this tutorial we are going to configure JDBCRealm JAAS for tomcat 7 and mysql database server. Let us first understand what exactly these terminologies mean. JAAS : Java Authentication and Authorization Service is used for user authenti…
In this tutorial you will learn how to configure JAAS authentication in Tomcat using the HTTP Basic authentication scheme. Introduction Tomcat provides a default JAAS Realm implementation so developers may implement JAAS Login Modules and easily inte…
JAAS 参考文档: JAAS Reference Guide JAAS Authentication Tutorial JAAS Authorization Tutorial LoginModule Developer's Guide JAAS Login Configuration File…
Hello all, In this tutorial we are going to configure JAAS for jboss 7.1 and mysql for Form based authentication to be used in a web application. . We have already covered how toconfigure jaas for tomcat 7 and mysql.The difference between these is du…