
foremost 恢复单个类型文件 删除一个 USB(/dev/sdba1)存储器中一个 png 文件然后使用 formost 恢复. #rm -f /dev/sdb1/1.png #foremost -t png -i /dev/sdb1 恢复完成后会在当前目录建立一个 output 目录,在 output 目录下会建立 png 子目录下会包括所有可以恢复的 png 格式的文件. 需要说明的是 png 子目录下会包括的 png 格式的文件名称已经改变,另外 output 目录下的 audit.…
做CTF题需要这工具来提取文件里的隐藏文件, 网上大部分是linux版本,之前好不容易找了一个exe文件结果还不能用.找了很长时间终于找到了: 用这个原代码你自己就可以编译出exe,如果懒得编译的话里面的binary里就有编译好的,直接用这个就好 可以把前两个文件复制到一个安全的文件夹,方便以后使用,不要误删就好. 分离文件的步骤: 1.将所要解密的文件放入foremost所在的目录: 2.cmd进入foremost所在目…
<课程设计>--foremost的使用 foremost简介 formost 是一个基于文件头和尾部信息以及文件的内建数据结构恢复文件的命令行工具.这个过程通常叫做数据挖掘(data carvubg).formost 可以分析由 dd.Safeback.Encase 等生成的镜像文件,也可以直接分析驱动器.文件头和尾可以通过配置文件设置,也可以通过命令行开关使用 formost 内建的文件类型.formost 最初是由美国空军特别调查室(Air Force Office of Special…
文件还原工具Foremost   在数字取证中,通过对设备备份,可以获取磁盘镜像文件.通过分析镜像文件,可以获取磁盘存在的数据.但是很多重要数据往往已被删除.这个时候,就需要还原这些文件.Kali Linux提供一款还原专用工具Foremost.该工具通过分析不同类型文件的头.尾和内部数据结构,同镜像文件的数据进行比对,以还原文件.它默认支持19种类型文件的恢复.用户还可以通过配置文件扩展支持其他文件类型.…
Foremost 我们只能在Linux中恢复已删除的文件,只要这些扇区在硬盘上没有被覆盖. 首先安装 要在CentOS上安装Foremost,我们将从官方网页下载并安装最前面的rpm.打开终端并执行以下命令 $ sudo yum install -y 使用Ubuntu,最重要的包可以使用默认存储库.要在Ubuntu上安装最重要的,…
内存取证 1. 内存取证工具volatility 猜测dump文件的profile值 root@kali:~/CTF# volatility -f mem.vmem imageinfo Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6 INFO : volatility.debug : Determining profile based on KDBG search... Suggested Profile(s) : WinXPSP2x86, WinX…
做CTF题需要这工具来提取文件里的隐藏文件, 网上大部分是linux版本,之前好不容易找了一个exe文件结果还不能用.找了很长时间终于找到了: 用这个原代码你自己就可以编译出exe,如果懒得编译的话里面的binary里就有编译好的,直接用这个就好 可以把前两个文件复制到一个安全的文件夹,方便以后使用,不要误删就好. 分离文件的步骤: 1.将所要解密的文件放入foremost所在的目录: 2.cmd进入foremost所在目…
conscious[英][ˈkɒnʃəs][美][ˈkɑnʃəs]consensus[英][kənˈsensəs][美][kənˈsɛnsəs] scious sensuswaterflood; deluge; flood; flowage; Niagara; spill[英][spɪl][美][spɪl]spell[英][spel][美][spɛl] city urban emperemperortemper irritant Some had begun to build adjacent…
来之\kernel\Documentation\devicetree\usage-model.txt Linux and the Device Tree -------------------------The Linux usage model for device tree data Author: Grant Likely <> This article describes how Linux uses the device tree.…
Home GameWorks Blog Life of a triangle - NVIDIA's logical pipeline   Life of a triangle - NVIDIA's logical pipeline Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ By Christoph Kubisch, posted Mar 16 2015 at 12:52PM Tags:  GameWorks GameWorks Expert Developer DX12…
This article is from blog of Amazon CTO Werner Vogels. -------------------- Today is a very exciting day as we release Amazon DynamoDB, a fast, highly reliable and cost-effective NoSQL database service designed for internet scale applications. Dynamo…
SETs are Software Engineersin Test. They are software engineers who happen to write testing functionality.First and foremost, SETs are developers and the role is touted as a 100% codingrole in our recruiting literature and internal job promotion ladd…
微软近期Open的职位: Job Title: Software Development Engineer Work Location: Suzhou, China The Office 365 Core Fabric group is looking for a Software Engineer to work on a very strategic and secret project in super exciting startup mode! Think starting from…
参考文档 密码存储为什么不能是明文? 当账户密码是明文存储的话, 万一本网站给黑客攻破获取了数据, 则用户的账户被泄露.(术语叫 拖库) 当黑客知道了你的账户后, 其可以使用此账户,到其他网站尝试访问, 例如有厉害关系…
第四部分     推理题 1.世界上每个角落的每个人都有立场,都有背景,都有推理性,能推理出一个人语言的真意,才成就了真正的推理能力: 2.换言之,如果你能通过一个人的说话推理出其身份职业,你的推理能力更上一层楼. 一 . 临门一脚 1. “I believe in human ingenuity – that when we decide on a task to be done, no matter how daunting it may seem at the beginning, we…
转自: 下午, DBA找我说有些SQL执行了两个小时了,导致主从同步延迟很多. 晚上, 一个同事要走了, 做了一个月的项目要整理一下好交接出去.结果删除没有用的文件时, 路径多了一个空格, 导致整个项目的代码被删除, 坑爹的是他从来没提交过SVN. 奋斗到天亮 对于打点那个项目, 编辑说出问题那一刻, 我就知道是哪里的问题了. 当时那位同事做那块逻辑时, 我给他…
微软近期Open的职位: Job Title: Principal Development Lead Work Location: Suzhou, China This is a once in a lifetime opportunity - you've heard by now how Microsoft is 'all in' the cloud? And how we as a company are transforming ourselves and the industry by…
你应当如何学习C++(以及编程)(rev#1) By 刘未鹏(pongba) C++的罗浮宫( Javascript是世界上最受误解的语言,其实C++何尝不是.坊间流传的错误的C++学习方法一抓就是一大把.我自己在学习C++的过程中也走了许多弯路,浪费了不少时间. 为什么会存在这么多错误认识?原因主要有三个,一是C++语言的细节太多.二是一些著名的C++书籍总在(不管有意还是无意)暗示语言细节的重要性和有趣.三是现代C++库的开发哲学必须用…
In this chapter we will study the family of linear predictors, one of the most useful families of hypothesis classes. Many learning algorithms that are being widely used in practice rely on linear predictors, first and foremost because of the ability…
4.10. Class Design HintsWithout trying to be comprehensive or tedious, we want to end this chapter with some hints that will make your classes more acceptable in well-mannered OOP circles. 1. Always keep data private. This is first and foremost; doin…
Let’s look more closely at one of the simplest Java programs you can have—one that simply prints a message to console: public class FirstSample { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("We will not use 'Hello, World!'"); } }…
在linux系统下,网络安全,除了有SElinux,另外就是iptables防火墙了,这个是用的最多也是功能非常强大的一个工具,今天就对其简单的架构上技术进行概要描述.让自己后续能够逻辑清晰的处理云环境下的网络安全.至少作为一个支撑吧. 首先,要知道,计算机上网的过程,数据包从internet到我们的PC,最后被PC上的应用程序所处理,并且给予远端来自internet的用户程序一个响应,数据包在防火墙层面上是如何traverse的. Destination local host (our own…
The Brain vs Deep Learning Part I: Computational Complexity — Or Why the Singularity Is Nowhere Near July 27, 2015July 27, 2015 Tim Dettmers Deep Learning, NeuroscienceDeep Learning, dendritic spikes, high performance computing, neuroscience, singula…
The Guide To Understanding mysqlreport This guide to understanding mysqlreport explains everything that mysqlreport can report. It also teaches how to interpret and understand all the values in context so that after reading a mysqlreport report ("a r…
What is DiffMerge DiffMerge is yet-another-diff-and-merge-tool from the fine folks at SourceGear.  It’s awesome.  It’s head and shoulders above whatever junky diff tool they provided with your source control platform, unless of course you’re already…
IP, TCP, and HTTP Issue #10 Syncing Data, March 2014 By Daniel Eggert When an app communicates with a server, more often than not, that communication happens over HTTP. HTTP was developed for web browsers: when you enter into your…
Initially, the purpose of this module (as the name suggests) is to perform URL rewriting. This mechanism allows you to get rid of ugly URLs containing multiple parameters, for instance, php?id=1234&comment=32 — such URLs b…
first and foremost, 很久没写了,心痒了,手贱了,于是乎在这一刻心静时,积攒的思绪开始回放了,惊世Copy-on-write之文随之面世了; 臭毛孩子拉的 屎 特臭,小毛孩子前途黯淡,犹如小蝇虫趴在玻璃窗上; 忧患致生,致强;安乐致死,致灭; Let's  go 随心悦动,随心狂放吧,能够超越的,等待去征服的,............; 亲,若你以为ruiy哥的文章东扯,西说的,那就对了,为什么我不会告诉你,大脑在你脑袋上,我无法左右,最多一个人只能为一颗脑袋做主; 哥认为,搞…
A Full Hardware Guide to Deep Learning Deep Learning is very computationally intensive, so you will need a fast CPU with many cores, right? Or is it maybe wasteful to buy a fast CPU? One of the worst things you can do when building a deep learning sy…
I stumbled upon the following two articles First and Second in which the author states in summary that ORM Entities and Domain Entities shouldn't be mixed up. I faced exactly this problem at the moment as I code with EF 6.0 following the Code First a…