require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/domReady!"], function(dom){ dom.byId("helloworld").innerHTML = "Hello New World!"; }); The sharped eyed among you will notice that there is a "module" in the requirement array th…
官方地址: dom加载完成后,执行. require(["dojo/domReady!"], function(){ // will not be called until DOM is ready }); 通常dojo/domReady没有也不需要设定一个返回值,而且,它是被放在加载模块数组的最后加载. require(["…
In this tutorial, we will be exploring dojo/on and how Dojo makes it easy to connect to DOM events. We will also explore Dojo's publish/subscribe framework: dojo/topic. 在本教程中,我们将会探讨dojo/on模块,使用该模块可以更简单的关联DOM事件.我们也会探讨dojo的publish和dubcribe框架:dojo/topic…
In this tutorial, we will learn about DOM querying and how the dojo/query module allows you to easily select nodes and work with them. 在本教程中,我们将学习DOM查询,并且使用dojo/query模块,更容易的选择几点,并完成相关操纵. Getting Started 开始 When working with the DOM, it's important to… In this tutorial, we will explore the effects that Dojo provides, which allow us to jazz up your page or application! 在本教程中,我们会探索dojo提供的特效功能,这可以使我们的Web页面或应用更加生动活泼. Getting Started…
In this tutorial, you'll learn about how to use Dojo to manipulate the DOM in a simple, cross-browser way. Using basic DOM knowledge and only a few Dojo functions, you will be able to efficiently create, read, update and delete elements in the page o…