Lucky7 题目链接: Description When ?? was born, seven crows flew in and stopped beside him. In its childhood, ?? had been unfortunately fall into the sea. While it was dying, seven dolphins arched its body an…
Mike and Geometry Problem 题目链接: Description Mike wants to prepare for IMO but he doesn't know geometry, so his teacher gave him an interesting geometry problem. Let's define f([l, r]) = r - l + 1…
Ant Time Limit: 1 Second Memory Limit: 32768 KB There is an ant named Alice. Alice likes going hiking very much. Today, she wants to climb a cuboid. The length of cuboid's longest edge is n, and the other edges are all positive integers. Alice's…
A Boring Question 题目链接: Description Input The first line of the input contains the only integer T, Then T lines follow,the i-th line contains two integers n,m. Output For each n and m,output the answer i…
Two Arithmetic Progressions 题目链接: Description You are given two arithmetic progressions: a1k + b1 and a2l + b2. Find the number of integers x such that L ≤ x ≤ R and x = a1k' + b1 = a2l' + b2, for some inte…
~>>_<<~ 咳咳!!!今天写此笔记,以防他日老年痴呆后不会解方程了!!! Begin ! ~1~, 首先呢,就看到了一个 gcd(a,b),这是什么鬼玩意呢?什么鬼玩意并不重要,重要的她代表的含义,其实呢,gcd(a,b)就表示 非负整数 a 和 b(不同时为0) 的最大公约数,(数论概论上说:计算 a 与 b 的最大公因数的更低效方法是我女儿四年级老师教的方法,老师要求学生求出 a 与 b 的所有因数,然后找出同时出现在两个表中的最大数字. YES!A good idea f…
GCD int gcd(int a, int b) { return b == 0 ? a : gcd(b, a%b); } EXGCD void ex_gcd(int a, int b, int &x, int &y) { if (b == 0) { x = 1; y = 0; return; } else { ex_gcd(b, a%b, x, y); int t = x; x = y; y = t - (a / b)*y; } }…