gdb或者vlagrind报告: ==14569== Jump to the invalid address stated on the next line ==14569== at 0x0: ??? ==14569== Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd 错误原因:函数通过jmp,call,ret等指令跳转到0x00,错误可能出现的范围 1.函数缓冲区溢出覆盖了返回地址,然后又调用了return,例如 #inclu…
gdb或者vlagrind报告: ==14569== Jump to the invalid address stated on the next line ==14569== at 0x0: ??? ==14569== Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd 错误原因:函数通过jmp,call,ret等指令跳转到0x00,错误可能出现的范围 1.函数缓冲区溢出覆盖了返回地址,然后又调用了return,例如 #inclu…
一.情况 抽象出问题是这样的: class DLL_API1 A { func() { vector vec; B b; b.func(vec); return TRUE; } } 其中B是另一个导出类,定义如下 { private: vector m_vec; public: func( vector &vec ) { vec = m_vec; } } 运行时发现,每次运行到A的return TRUE释放vector的时候,都会报错:user breakpoint called from co…
Arduino LiquidCrystal Character LCD Driver Library BUG Report #174181 by Conmajia Effected Devices Hitachi HD44780 series LCD drivers SEIKO EPSON SED1278 SAMSUNG KS0066 NER Japan Radio NJU6408 Issue LiquidCrystal.createChar function can only create c…
1.  Bug #72215 When LOCK_plugin conflicts very much, one uninstall-audit-plugin operation crash   2.  Bug #72217 When uninstall a audit plugin, there is a warning info which is not correct…
虹软人脸识别,其方法要传NV21格式的byte[], github上有一个虹软的Demo,是不是虹软工作人员写的不清楚,这个Demo里bitmap转NV21格式byte[]用的是一个第三方库, 用法如下: ImageConverter convert = new ImageConverter(); convert.initial(mBitmap.getWidth(), mBitmap.getHeight(), Ima…
WARN <init>, HHH000409: Using which does not generate IETF RFC 4122 compliant UUID values; consider using insteadERROR prepareTestInstance, Caught exception while allowing TestExecutio…
转自:RecyclerView Bug:IndexOutOfBoundsException: Inconsistency detected. Invalid view holder adapter的解决方案 RecyclerView是Android-support-v7-21版本中新增的一个Widget,RecyclerView在刷新数据的时候会出现以下异常: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Inconsistency detected. Invalid…
今年的软件自由日(SFD),我在广州Linux用户组的线下活动上做了一个分享,主题叫做<做一名开源社区的扫地僧(上)>.我把演讲的内容重新整理扩充, 写出了文字版, 希望可以跟更多朋友分享. 金庸笔下有一个传奇人物,人称扫地僧,身世隐秘,武功绝顶.小说中的扫地僧一出现就是个高手,没人知道高手怎么炼成的.这种"扫地僧",实在可望不可及. 然而,还有另一种扫地僧,人人都可以效仿,人人都可以做到,不妨称之为"山寨扫地僧". 最近流传一个真实的故事, 有个广外宿…
方案商的开发板上otg功能只能做device,硬件看过后说没有5v供电,加上后能够识别U盘了,但是内核报了错 [ 3.264000] usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using dwc_otg[ 3.280000] BUG: sleeping function called from invalid context at mm/page_alloc.c:2444[ 3.284000] in_atomic(): 1, irqs_disable…