Prism_Composite Commands(3)】的更多相关文章

Composite Commands 在许多情况下,视图模型定义的命令将绑定到关联视图中的控件,以便用户可以直接从视图中调用该命令.但是,在某些情况下,您可能希望能够从应用程序UI的父视图中的控件调用一个或多个视图模型上的命令. 例如,如果您的应用程序允许用户同时编辑多个项目,您可能希望允许用户使用应用程序工具栏或功能区中的按钮所代表的单个命令来保存所有项目.在这种情况下,Save All命令将调用每个项目的视图模型实例实现的每个Save命令,如下图所示. Prism通过CompositeCom…
Get pod ip and their coordinating NODE $ kubectl get pods -o wide If you want to get detailed information about pod, nodes, then you should set output as yaml: $ kubectl get pods -o json Show labels about pods under all namespace: $ kubectl get pods…
You may want to add my wechat public account or add my technical blog's RSS feed This list is meant to record some useful docker commands, it can help docker beginners to solve the problems they met. I'll try to keep this list current and up to date.…
This article includes some useful Ansible commands. I will try to write blogs by English. You may want to add my wechat public account or add my technical blogs's rss feed How ansible works Ansible works by connecting to your nodes and pushing out sm…
Linux的命令总结 1. man:在线请求系统帮助 例:man mkdir NAME:这个命令的完整全名 mk(make directories) SYNOPSIS:这个命令的基本语法 mkdir [OPTION]... DIRECTORY... OPTION:参数 DERECTORY:目录或者行为 DESCRIPTION:具体描述命令的使用方法 -m, --mode=MODE set file mode (as in chmod), not a=rwx – umask 左边的-m为短参数,右…
The commands of Disk fdisk( the disk size is less 2TB) fdisk - partition table manipulator for Linux. options: -l :show all disk infotmation. start disk deal. parted(the size of disk is not limit) mkfs mkfs - buld a Iinux file System. For example: mk…
Network Basic Commands Summary set or modify hostname a)     temporary ways hostname NEW_HOSTNAME, but if you reboot your system, it will disabled. b)    permanent ways: edit "/etc/sysconfig/network" HOSTNAME, then restart system, it will effect…
abrt-cli --since ;查看abrt捕捉的异常 alias ;别名,alias rm='rm -i':使用“ \rm ” 使用原命令 alsamixer ;图形音量调节,q 增加左声道, w 同时增加,e 增加右声道,上下键同时增加减小音量, s 选择声卡 amixer ; amixer set Master % 调节音量:alsamixer是Linux 音频架构ALSA中的Alsa工具的其中一个,用于配置音频的各个参数, amixer 是他的文本模式 apachectl ; apa…
OwinHost.exe: While some will want to write a custom process to run Katana Web applications, many would prefer to simply launch a pre-built executable that can start a server and run their application. For this scenario, the Katana component suite in…
问题详情:K Commands(OwinHost.exe)是不是 OWIN 中的 Host 角色?如果是,那 Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting 对应的是 OWIN 中的哪个角色? OWIN 中,除了 Host 和 Server 的概念容易混淆,K Commands(OwinHost.exe)与 Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting 也是很容易混淆的一点,先看一下它们的概念: OwinHost.exe: While some will want to write a c…