【POJ2001】Shortest Prefixes】的更多相关文章

Shortest Prefixes Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 18724   Accepted: 8101 Description A prefix of a string is a substring starting at the beginning of the given string. The prefixes of "carbon" are: "c", &qu…
[CF938G]Shortest Path Queries(线段树分治,并查集,线性基) 题面 CF 洛谷 题解 吼题啊. 对于每个边,我们用一个\(map\)维护它出现的时间, 发现询问单点,边的出现时间是区间,所以线段树分治. 既然路径最小值就是异或最小值,并且可以不是简单路径, 不难让人想到\(WC2011\)那道最大\(Xor\)路径和. 用一样的套路,我们动态维护一棵生成树,碰到一个非树边, 就把这个环的异或和丢到线性基里面去,这样子直接查就好了. 动态维护生成树直接用并查集就好了,没…
Given a string S, you are allowed to convert it to a palindrome by adding characters in front of it. Find and return the shortest palindrome you can find by performing this transformation. For example: Given "aacecaaa", return "aaacecaaa&qu…
Shortest Palindrome Given a string S, you are allowed to convert it to a palindrome by adding characters in front of it. Find and return the shortest palindrome you can find by performing this transformation. For example: Given "aacecaaa", retur…
好不容易找到的. #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<cmath> using namespace std; double a,b,c,x,y,z,ans,l,w,h; double f(double x) { return (double(x*x)); } double min(double x,double y) { if(x>y) return y; else return x; } void coun…
Description 给定一张 \(n\) 个点 \(m\) 条边的无向图,一开始你在点 \(1\),且价值为 \(0\) 每次你可以选择一个相邻的点,然后走过去,并将价值异或上该边权 如果在点 \(n\),你可以选择结束游戏 求一种方案,使得结束游戏后价值最小 \(n,m \le 10^5\) Input 第一行为两个整数\(n,m\)代表有\(n\)个点\(m\)条边. 接下来\(m\)行,描述一条从\(x\)到\(y\)长度为\(z\)的无向边. Output 一个整数,代表最小价值.…
原题链接:CF1205B   题目大意   给定\(n\)个整数\(a_1,a_2,a_3, \dots ,a_n\),若\(i \neq j\)且\(a_i \land a_j \neq 0\),则节点\(i\)和节点\(j\)相连通.求最小环大小.   \(1 \leq n \leq 10^5\),\(0 \leq a_i \leq 10^{18}\).   题解   题目中的\(a_i\)都在long long的范围内,即\(a_i \in [0, 2^{64})\),则根据容斥原理可得,…
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Shortest Prefixes Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 15574   Accepted: 6719 Description A prefix of a string is a substring starting at the beginning of the given string. The prefixes of "carbon" are: "c", &qu…
Shortest Prefixes Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 21642   Accepted: 9269 Description A prefix of a string is a substring starting at the beginning of the given string. The prefixes of "carbon" are: "c", &qu…
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3.4 BGP 原文地址:http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?src=3&timestamp=1500043305&ver=1&signature=XwiIVVLHaVK5kzRNQKR1dkOzl1DR375P-R9g998sGTpT8WF20P9REPkYOfS85KOlI2h8RnHL3jvJvFu6gu*CNceX8Ky1iJXeGkX1NGYyMFruvBNS1XsJUv3RHgtEpGEIdMN4UZfKkUcdQQ6b9ZbvkqUaAcyanc3bh…
Leetcode 1.动态规划 Palindrome Partitioning II(hard) ☆ Distinct Subsequences(hard) Edit Distance (hard) Interleaving String (hard) Regular Expression Matching (hard) ★ Wildcard Matching(hard) ★ 大神太牛了 Longest Valid Parentheses (hard)★ Scramble String (har…
转自:http://blog.csdn.net/shahdza/article/details/7779273 最短路 [HDU] 1548 A strange lift基础最短路(或bfs)★2544 最短路 基础最短路★3790 最短路径问题基础最短路★2066 一个人的旅行基础最短路(多源多汇,可以建立超级源点和终点)★2112 HDU Today基础最短路★1874 畅通工程续基础最短路★1217 Arbitrage 货币交换 Floyd (或者 Bellman-Ford 判环)★124…
转自——http://blog.csdn.net/qwe20060514/article/details/8112550 =============================以下是最小生成树+并查集======================================[HDU]1213   How Many Tables   基础并查集★1272   小希的迷宫   基础并查集★1325&&poj1308  Is It A Tree?   基础并查集★1856   More i…
#148. [NOIP2015]跳石头 Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 http://uoj.ac/problem/148 Description 一年一度的“跳石头”比赛又要开始了! 这项比赛将在一条笔直的河道中进行,河道中分布着一些巨大岩石.组委会已经选择好了两块岩石作为比赛起点和终点.在起点和终点之间,有 N 块岩石(不含起点和终点的岩石).在比赛过程中,选手们将从起点出发,每一步跳向相邻的岩石,直至到达终点. 为了提高比赛难度,组…
Resource Archiver Time Limit: 10000MS   Memory Limit: 100000KB   64bit IO Format: %I64d & %I64u Description Great! Your new software is almost finished! The only thing left to do is archiving all your n resource files into a big one. Wait a minute… y…
[LeetCode]Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Given a binary tree, find its minimum depth. The minimum depth is the number of nodes along the shortest path from the root node down to the nearest leaf node. 递归和非递归,此提比较简单.广度优先遍历即可.关键之处就在于如何保持访问深度. 下面是4种代码: im…
http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1534 Schedule Problem Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2196    Accepted Submission(s): 994Special Judge Problem Description A project can…
=============================以下是最小生成树+并查集====================================== [HDU] How Many Tables 基础并查集★ 小希的迷宫 基础并查集★ &&poj1308 Is It A Tree? 基础并查集★ More is better 基础并查集★ Constructing Roads 基础最小生成树★ 畅通工程 基础并查集★ 还是畅通工程 基础最小生成树★ 畅通工程 基础最小生成树★ 畅通…
[NOI2007]社交网络 Description 在社交网络(social network)的研究中,我们常常使用图论概念去解释一些社会现象.不妨看这样的一个问题.在一个社交圈子里有n个人,人与人之间有不同程度的关系.我 们将这个关系网络对应到一个n个结点的无向图上,两个不同的人若互相认识,则在他们对应的结点之间连接一条无向边,并附上一个正数权值c,c越小,表示两 个人之间的关系越密切. 我们可以用对应结点之间的最短路长度来衡量两个人s和t之间的关系密切程度,注意到最短路径上的其他结点为s和t…