Kth Minimum Clique】的更多相关文章

Kth Minimum Clique 题目描述 Given a vertex-weighted graph with N vertices, find out the K-th minimum weighted clique. A subset of vertices of an undirected graph is called clique if and only if every two distinct vertices in the subset are adjacent. The…
Kth Minimum Clique 题意 给出n(n<100)个点的邻接表,和n个点的权值,求第k大的团(完全子图) 分析 n很小,并且好像没有什么算法和这个有关系,所以可以往暴力枚举的方向想,那么问题就变成了如果枚举?很容易发现一个问题,如何才能补充不漏地枚举呢?肯定要遵循一定的顺序,集合类问题一般是从已选的最后一个点的顺序往后枚举,这样就可以不重不漏了,那怎么实现第k大的,使用优先队列即可.邻接表使用bitmap存储方便操作,可以说是一道Bitmap入门题? #include<bits/…
链接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/882/D来源:牛客网 Given a vertex-weighted graph with N vertices, find out the K-th minimum weighted clique. A subset of vertices of an undirected graph is called clique if and only if every two distinct vertices in th…
题意: 给你n个点的权值和连边的信息,问你第k小团的值是多少. 思路: 用bitset存信息,暴力跑一下就行了,因为满足树形结构,所以bfs+优先队列就ok了,其中记录下最后进入的点(以免重复跑). #define IOS ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); #include <cstdio>//sprintf islower isupper #include <cstdlib>//malloc exit strcat itoa sy…
目录 题目链接 题意 思路 代码 题目链接 传送门 题意 找第\(k\)小团. 思路 用\(bitset\)来标记每个结点与哪些结点直接有边,然后进行\(bfs\),在判断新加入的点与现在有的点是否都有边则直接用\(bitset\)与一下即可,记得去重. 代码 #include <set> #include <map> #include <deque> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <…
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define B bitset<105> using namespace std; typedef long long ll ; ; B G[N] ; ll a[N] ; typedef struct Node { B mask; ll val; Node() {} Node( B b,ll v):mask(b),val(v){} bool operator < (const Node & rhs )const { r…
题目链接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/882/D 题意:求给定点权无向图中,点权和第k小的完全子图的点权和.(包括空集) 思路:从空集开始,每找到一个完全子图,通过添加一个点来找到新的完全子图(只要该点与原来的所有点邻接),并存入优先队列中,每次取出权值和最小的来更新.用bitset来存储当前完全子图中存了哪些点,为了避免更新重复的子图,需要记录每个状态上一次添加的是哪个点,下次遍历该点之后的点,从而防止重复. AC代码: #include<cstdi…
题意:给你n个点 求第k小的团 思路:暴力bfs+bitset压位 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N = 1e5+7; const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f; typedef long long ll; typedef bitset<107> bs; struct node{ ll v; bs t; friend bool operator < (node a,node b){…
Kth Minimum Clique 题目传送门 解题思路 我们可以从没有点开始,把点一个一个放进去,先把放入一个点的情况都存进按照权值排序的优先队列,每次在新出队的集合里增加一个新的点,为了避免重复,一个集合中的放入次序是按编号递增的,新放进去的点必须和已经在集合中的所有点之间都有一条边.当然我们不可能在入队时写两层循环来判断能不能放,所以用bitset,为1则说明集合里的点都和这个点之间有边,每次入队前利用&操作更新. 代码如下 #include <bits/stdc++.h> #…
题目连接: https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/882/D Description Given a vertex-weighted graph with N vertices, find out the K-th minimum weighted clique. A subset of vertices of an undirected graph is called clique if and only if every two distinct verti…
A Eddy Walker 题意 你有n个点(0-n-1),按顺序形成一个环,初始时你在0的位子,你随机顺时针走一步或者逆时针走一步, 一旦你走到一个点后,环上所有点都被经过至少一次后,你就必须停下来. 问你最后停留在m这个位子的概率是多少. 注意输出的答案是前缀积. 思路 有意思的概率题. 读懂题意后发现这道题不难,模拟下可以发现在最后落在(1-n-1)的位子是等概率的,落在0这个位子是不可能的(除非n==1). #include <iostream> #include <vector…
Solved:2 Rank:136 A Eddy Walker 题意:T个场景 每个场景是一个长度为n的环 从0开始 每次要么向前走要么向后走 求恰好第一次到m点且其他点都到过的概率 每次的答案是前缀概率积 题解:m=0的时候 只有n=1的时候是1 否则是0 然后感性的理解到其他n-1点的概率是一样的 所以每个点的概率是1/(n-1) #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; const ll mod…
COT - Count on a tree #tree You are given a tree with N nodes.The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N.Each node has an integer weight. We will ask you to perform the following operation: u v k : ask for the kth minimum weight on the path from node u …
http://www.spoj.com/problems/COT/ (速度很快,排到了rank6) 这题让我明白了人生T_T 我知道我为什么那么sb了. 调试一早上都在想人生. 唉. 太弱. 太弱. 手一抖,真的一生就毁了. 不到一小时打好的代码,硬是调试了2小时. 这什么水平. 到头来,和network那题的错误一样,都是很逗的地方,上次漏打id,这次漏打root. 调了一早上,无限吐槽一早上.差点让我以为自己人生没戏了. 吐槽完毕. 这题做法可以用树剖做,但是太麻烦. 我是看了别人用主席树加…
描述 http://www.spoj.com/problems/COT/ 给出一棵n个节点的树,树上每一个节点有权值.m次询问,求书上u,v路径中第k小的权值. COT - Count on a tree no tags  You are given a tree with N nodes.The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N.Each node has an integer weight. We will ask you to perform the…
10628. Count on a tree Problem code: COT You are given a tree with N nodes.The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N.Each node has an integer weight. We will ask you to perform the following operation: u v k : ask for the kth minimum weight on the path…
Count on a tree Time Limit:129MS     Memory Limit:1572864KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Practice SPOJ COT Description You are given a tree with N nodes.The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N.Each node has an integer weight. We will…
Count on a tree Time Limit: 129MS   Memory Limit: 1572864KB   64bit IO Format: %lld & %llu Submit Status Description You are given a tree with N nodes.The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N.Each node has an integer weight. We will ask you to perform…
You are given a tree with N nodes. The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N. Each node has an integer weight. We will ask you to perform the following operation: u v k : ask for the kth minimum weight on the path from node u to node v Input In the fir…
Multi-Object-Tracking-Paper-List 2018-08-07 22:18:05 This blog is copied from: https://github.com/SpyderXu/multi-object-tracking-paper-list Multi-object tracking is a deeply explored but not successfully solved computer vision task. This filed needs…
10628. Count on a tree Problem code: COT You are given a tree with N nodes.The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N.Each node has an integer weight. We will ask you to perform the following operation: u v k : ask for the kth minimum weight on the path…
一.题目 COT - Count on a tree You are given a tree with N nodes. The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N. Each node has an integer weight. We will ask you to perform the following operation: u v k : ask for the kth minimum weight on the path from node u…
地址:http://www.spoj.com/problems/COT/en/ 题目: COT - Count on a tree #tree You are given a tree with N nodes.The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N.Each node has an integer weight. We will ask you to perform the following operation: u v k : ask for the…
基于实例的学习方法中,最近邻法和局部加权回归法用于逼近实值或离散目标函数,基于案例的推理已经被应用到很多任务中,比如,在咨询台上存储和复用过去的经验:根据以前的法律案件进行推理:通过复用以前求解的问题的相关部分来解决复杂的调度问题.      基于实例方法的一个不足是,分类新实例的开销可能很大.这是因为几乎所有的计算都发生在分类时,而不是在第一次遇到训练样例时.所以,如何有效地索引训练样例,以减少查询时所需计算是一个重要的实践问题.此类方法的第二个不足是(尤其对于最近邻法),当从存储器中检索相似…
COT - Count on a tree #tree You are given a tree with N nodes.The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N.Each node has an integer weight. We will ask you to perform the following operation: u v k : ask for the kth minimum weight on the path from node u…
COT - Count on a tree #tree You are given a tree with N nodes.The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N.Each node has an integer weight. We will ask you to perform the following operation: u v k : ask for the kth minimum weight on the path from node u …
  SPOJ 10628. Count on a tree (树上第k大,LCA+主席树) 10628. Count on a tree Problem code: COT You are given a tree with N nodes.The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N.Each node has an integer weight. We will ask you to perform the following operation: u v…
^&^ (HDU 6702) Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others) Problem DescriptionBit operation is a common computing method in computer science ,Now we have two positive integers A and B ,Please find a positive in…
Description You have a directed weighted graph with n vertexes and m edges. The value of a path is the sum of the weight of the edges you passed. Note that you can pass any edge any times and every time you pass it you will gain the weight. Now there…
题目:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=6705 path Time Limit: 2000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1250    Accepted Submission(s): 257 Problem Description You have a directed weighted graph…