LED Decorative Light Supplier    introduction: LED track light is a track light with LED as the light source, alias: LED track light. It is a kind of track light, widely used in shopping malls (clothing stores, furniture stores and other brand stores…
Nowadays, when many people choose the desk light, they are worried that it will not be used for a long time, and they will need to spend extra money to purchase. Therefore, when buying a led metal table light, how can it be used? The led metal table…
LED Decorative Light Manufacturer    introduction: LED wall lamp is a light-emitting diode as a light source installed on the wall or furniture wall to become an LED wall lamp. Traditional wall lamps use halogen lamps, which have low luminous efficie…
Creating ambient lighting in the home can bridge the gap between the internal world and the outside world. Why not use LED decorative lighting to paint the walls and let it feel your feelings? With LED ambient lighting effects and design, you can tur…
In the past 100 years, lighting has gone a long way. LED decorative lighting is now designed to meet any visual need. Consumers find it difficult to choose between traditional and modern styles. These options are easily overwhelmed when choosing ligh…
Led strip refers to the led assembly in the ribbon of the FPC (flexible circuit board) or PCB hard board, because its product shape like a strap, named. Because the service life is long (the general normal life is 80 ~ 100 thousand hours), and very e…
In the past 100 years, lighting has come a long way. Nowadays, the decorative LED lighting design can adapt to any vision. Consumers find it difficult to choose between traditional and modern styles. When choosing lights for home décor, the options a…
Whether it is for general ambient lighting, task lighting or accent lighting, the decorative lighting in the home is functional and aesthetic. The well-designed rooms have multiple levels of lighting to meet all three lighting needs, but not all ligh…
一.前言: 随着LED的普及,以LED点阵为基础的显示设置层出不穷.例如,公交车的线路提示牌.高速公路的信息提示牌,安装在大楼上的广告屏幕等.下面,我们将由简单到复杂地探索各种LED点阵的使用方法,同样是基于Proteus的arduino仿真,以arduino uno R3为例,包含以下三个实验:LED点阵显示表情.LED点阵跑马灯.回纹灯.具体介绍如下: 二.仿真电路设计: 本次的三个实验用到的电路连接都是相同的,构建一个电路仿真图即可,仿真图如下: 电路图比较简单,只需将arduino最小系…
1.LED驅動芯片直流額定輸入電壓范圍應當8 - 40 v,覆蓋廣泛的應用需求.最好的壓縮能力大于45 v.當輸入交流12 v.24 v,簡單的橋式整流器輸出電壓可以遵循電網電壓波動,特別是在高電壓輸出直流電壓會偏高.如果驅動器集成電路沒有寬輸入電壓范圍,往往會將擊穿電壓電網,燒毀了LED光源.2.led驅動芯片大于1.2 ~ 1.5額定輸出電流要求.照明的LED光源,1 w功率LED光源的額定工作電流350 ma,額定工作電流的3 w功率LED光源700 ma.大功率LED光源,需要更多的電流…