Package CJK Error: Invalid character code. 问题解决方法--xelatex和pdflatex编译的转换 解决方法:添加格式说明信息 将下面语句: \documentclass{12pt,article} 替换成如下的形式: \documentclass[12pt,UTF8,fntef]{article}…
iOS利用Application Loader打包提交到App Store时遇到错误: The filename 未命名.ipa in the package contains an invalid character(s). The valid characters are:A-Z,a-z,0-9,dash,period,underscore,but the name cannot start with a dash,period,or underscore. 解决方法:在Archive之后得…
The filename 未命名.ipa in the package contains an invalid character(s).  The valid characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, dash, period, underscore, but the name cannot start with a dash, period, or underscore 把ipa的名字换成中文就OK了,就这么简单.…
error: invalid abbreviation code [25] for DIE at 0x0000003e in '/Users/mac/Desktop/MYiosfiles/test/XMPP即时通讯/XMPP即时通讯/Lib/XMPP/Vendor/libidn/libidn.a' Assertion failed: (*offset_ptr == end_prologue_offset), function ParsePrologue, file /SourceCache/dw…
org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException: JSON parse error: Unexpected character ('}' (code 125)): was expecting double-quote to start field name; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected…
转自 怎么解决SWT多线程错误:Caused by: org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Invalid thread access 我这几天研究JAVA做MSN,下载的示例都是在控制台下显示的,现在要做一个桌面MSN,要在界面上显示运行情况,比如,登录时,在文本框中显示"正在登录,请稍后....",登录成功后显示"登录成功....."…
When you install packages using, the error: (py37) C:\Users\weda\Phd\python packages\visibility_graph-0.4>python install Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 11, in long_description=readme(), File "s…
JDK的路径变化会导致 NetBeans 启动时出现错误: 解决办法: There's is an easy way to fix this. Navigate to your NetBeans installation folder which by default should be C:\Program Files\NetBeans and look for the folder etc. Inside that folder should be a file with the name…
提交 APP 到苹果官网审核时遇到了这个问题,如图: 其实就是不支持中文,随便换个英文名就行了. 参考:…