If a text index has multiple fields in Mongo, how can I do a search in only one field since the weight is applied to the index and not to the query? 1 Answer I assume you are using MongoDB version 2.4 to 3.x You have no other choices than using M…
SELECT `id`,`weixin_id`,`user_name`,`sex`,`area_id`,`address_near`,`phone`,`create_time`,`import_user_name`,`call_phone_num`,`browse_num`,`disable_status`,`remark` FROM `f_share_info` WHERE ( concat(phone, IFNULL(share_detail, ''),IFNULL(search_save_…
前几天看别人的代码中看到在字段中使用select子查询的方法,第一次见这种写法,然后研究了一下,记录下来 大概的形式是这样的: select a .*,(select b.another_field from b where a.id=b.aid) another_field from a where 1 limit 10; 下面还是以实例来说明,要不然不好理解,新建两张表,一张是商品表,另外一张是商品的评论表 商品表: CREATE TABLE `product` ( `id` int(11)…
Thinkphp中查询复杂sql查询表达式,如何表达MYSQL中的某字段不为空is not null?先上两种实现方式的实例:$querys["house_type_image"] = array('NEQ','NULL'); //判断字段不为空//$querys["house_type_image"] = array('exp','is not null');//其中的exp表示MYSQL的表达式查询,支持各种MYSQL语句的添加-----------------…
SQL查询一个表中类别字段中Max()最大值对应的记录 SELECT A.id, A.name, A.version FROM DOC A, (SELECT id, MAX(version) AS version FROM DOC GROUP BY id) AS B WHERE A.id = B.id AND A.version = B.version…