Error  Starting executable: error launching remote program failed to get the task for process 715 这个问题的解决方案如下(本人使用的是Xcode4.3): 1.Select File->New File->ios->resources->property List         name the file "Entitlements.plist‘  -->Creat…
iPhone真机调试报如下错误时,关掉Xcode,重新启动就可以了,注意是关掉Xcode,彻底关掉.Error launching remote program: No such file or directory一般是因为修改了 Bundle identifier 造成的.…
引人: iOS真机调试程序,报如下错误信息: failed to get the task for process XXX 原因: 证书问题,project和targets的证书都必须是开发证书,ADHOC的证书会出现此问题. 解决方案: project和targets的证书使用开发证书.   其他: failed to get the task for process XXX This error happens when you have set Distribution Provision…
xcode 真机调试 failed to get the task for process xxx 此错误原因是,使用 in house profile 签名了真机调试的证书: 在 target---build settings----code sign 把 in house profile 改成 dev profile 开发测试用的:…
在Xcode下编译project正常,在模拟器下执行正常,最后在真机上执行的时候出现了例如以下错误: Could not launch "FeedMeWorms" failed to get the task for process 3118 原因是:我的签名是distribution certificate,即公布者证书,不同意在真机上直接执行 使用开发人员证书就OK了 參考:… 在Xcode下编译工程正常,在模拟器下运行正常,最后在真机上运行的时候出现了如下错误: Could not launch "FeedMeWorms" failed to get the task for process 3118 原因是:我的签名是distribution certificate,即发布者证书,不允许在真机上直接运行 使用开发者证书就OK了…
引文: iOS真机调试程序,报如下错误信息: 原因: 证书问题,project和targets的证书都必须是开发证书,ADHOC的证书会出现此问题. 解决方案: project和targets的证书使用开发证书.   其他: failed to get the task for process XXX 补充: iphone xx 的时候会出现:process launch failed: security 这时候,应该app其实已经安装成功了,你只需要在iphone上启动app,然后点击信任就可…
---恢复内容开始--- 在克隆GIT项目后,Android Studio 报错: Gradle sync failed: Unable to start the daemon process. This problem might be caused by incorrect configuration of the daemon. For example, an unrecognized jvm option is used. Please refer to the user guide c…
The program being debugged is not being run. Everyone sees this once in a while during Xcode development for iPhone apps. And there are a million reasons and hacks that make it go away. Here is the definitive one: You cannot debug an iPhone app signe…
原因: 证书问题,project和targets的证书都必须是开发证书,ADHOC的证书会出现此问题. 解决方案: project和targets的证书使用开发证书.   其他: This error happens when you have set Distribution Provisioning profile in code signing. Change it to Developer Provisioning Profile, then it will work. Worked f…