KBMMW 4.70.00 发布】的更多相关文章

We are happy to announce the release of kbmMW v. 4.70.00 Professional and Enterprise Edition. kbmMW continues to set the bar for what an n-tier product must be capable of in the real world! New stuff ========= - Added support for marshalling and dema…
新年前最后几天,kbmmw 发布了新版本,增加一大波功能.we are happy to announce v5.05.50 of our popular middleware for Delphi and C++Builder. If you like kbmMW, please let others know! Share the word! We strive hard to ensure kbmMW continues to set the bar for what an n-tier…
今天早上,KbmMW发布了4.30.00 版,这个版本开始支持XE4 的WIN/WIN64/OSX. 暂时不支持ios开发,同时加强了通过JSON 的对象序列化.还有就是解决了我提交的几个有关 汉字处理的BUG. 具体更新如下: We are happy to announce the availability of a new kbmMW release! This release adds support for Delphi XE4 Win32/Win64/OSX. In addition…
We are happy to announce the release of kbmMW Professional and Enterprise Edition. Yet again kbmMW continues to set the bar for what an n-tier product must be capable of in the real world! Keywords for this release: - New memory debugging/leak detect…
kbmMW is a portable, highly scalable, high end application server andenterprise architecture integration (EAI) development framework forWin32, ..Net and Linux with clients residing on Win32, .Net, Linux,Unix, Mainframes, Minis, Embedded and many othe…
kbmMW is a portable, highly scalable, high end application server and enterprise architecture integration (EAI) development framework for Win32, ..Net and Linux with clients residing on Win32, .Net, Linux, Unix, Mainframes, Minis, Embedded and many o…
新版本又来了,端午节都不让大家过好:) 这次终于支持ios 64了,不用我再手工改了. Components4Developers is a company established in 1999 with the purpose of providing high quality development tools for developers and enterprises. The primary focus is on SOA, EAI and systems integration v…
作者最近加紧了更新进度,赞一个. 时间都去哪儿了? 还没好好看4.81, 新版就来了. 这个版本主要是增强日志管理,已经强大到替换delphi 本身的异常处理了. We are happy to announce the release of kbmMW v. 4.82.00 Professional and Enterprise Edition. kbmMW continues to set the bar for what an n-tier product must be capable…
一大波更新来了. 4.80.00 March 30 2015 Important notes (changes that may break existing code)        ======================================================        * Changed messaging transport event OnServerRequestException to OnServerException.        * Rem…
We are happy to announce v5.10.00 of the most complete development add on for Delphi and C++Builder for building native modular and fast multi-tier solutions. The release includes: NEW! SmartBind now fully supports VCL, FMX, including image/graphics…