format 参数输出的格式,定义格式为 %[flags][width][.precision][length]specifier specifier在最后面.定义了数据类型. Where the specifier character at the end is the most significant component, since it defines the type and the interpretation of its corresponding argument: speci…
在驱动编程学习中,往往需要通过DbgPrint或者KdPrint来输出调试信息,对于Check版本,KdPrint只是DbgPrint的一个宏定义,而对于Free版本,KdPrint将被优化掉.这些输出信息可以通过DebugView对内核的监控来看到. KdPrint is identical to the DbgPrint routine in code that is compiled in a checked build environment. This routine has no e…