Drag and Drop is a common operation that makes the interface user friendly: a user can drag/drop information to controls instead of having to type etc. The following sample explains basics of drag and drop. For detailed information you should refer t…
(*********************************************************************************) (* *) (* Below is the list of support classes that can be used from within the Pascal *) (* script. There are also three support objects available: MainForm of type *…
常用DELPHI控件属性事件设置说明 常用DELPHI控件属性设置说明目录TForm Class TPanel组件 TToolBar Class TToolButton Class TTimer Class TADOConnection Class TADOQuery Class TADODataSet Class TDBGrid Class TADOStoredProc Class TButton Class TBitBtn Class TComboBox Class TStaticText…
1. C++ Builder 网上资源 C++ Builder 研究 http://www.ccrun.com/ C++ Builder 程序员 http://mybcb.diy.myrice.com/ 电脑学习 C++ Builder 版块 http://www.itcomputer.com.cn/Programs/C/CB/ c++ Builder 快捷键大全: http://www.itcomputer.com.cn/Programs/C/CB/200512/112…