解决方案: Window -> Preferences -> Team -> SVN, 将SVN接口的Client修改为如图所示…
myeclispe 中SVN插件常遇到的异常: Subclipse talks to Subversion via a Java API that requires access to native libraries.Those libraries where either not found or an incompatible version was loaded. Theerrors are displayed below. Information on getting a proper…
对于tomcat启动后报错: 错误原因:tomcat使用的jdk和eclipce的编译用的jdk版本不同. 解决办法: 1.首先确定tomcat的jdk版本: 2.点开tomcat查看jdk版本. 使用的是jdk1.8 3.然后再查看java下的jdk 保证编译环境和tomcat使用的jdk版本一致. 4.如果两个都使用的默认的jdk,全部换成自己的jdk试一试. 5.重启tomcat问题得到解决.…
Eclipse启动报错An internal error occurred during: "Initializing Java Tooling" 解决方案: 删除工作空间workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects文件夹(做好备份),然后重新启动Eclipse.…
tomcat启动报错后显示以下错误 ## There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.# Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 1297136 bytes for Chunk::new# An error report file with more information is saved as:# D:\apache-tom…
tomcat启动错误代码: 严重: IOException while loading persisted sessions: java.io.EOFException java.io.EOFException at java.io.ObjectInputStream$PeekInputStream.readFully(ObjectInputStream.java:2280) at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readShort(…
报错栈: -- ::, ERROR [http-bio--exec-] cube.CubeManager: : Error during load cube instance, skipping : /cube/energon_dm_admission_record_fact_01.json java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to init CubeDescManager from kylin_metadata@hbase at org.apache…
环境:maven工程,ssm框架,tomcat 情景:dubbo的服务注册方服务器启动 问题原因: 经过网络查找,结果是Root WebApplicationContext 启动了两次,第二次报错,dubbo端口被占用 解决办法: 在server.xml中将红色字段,改为false,然后重新启动tomact <Host appBase="webapps" autoDeploy="false" deployOnStartup="false"…
一.配置好keepalived.conf文件后,启动keepalived,查看/var/log/message日志报错: [root@push-- sbin]# tail -f /var/log/messages Jun :: push-- Keepalived_vrrp[]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Dropping received VRRP packet... Jun :: push-- Keepalived_vrrp[]: (VI_1): received an inva…
1.问题: MySQL从库中查看主从状态: show slave status\G,发现出现IO的报错: Last_IO_Errno: Last_IO_Error: Got fatal error from master when reading data from binary log: 'A slave with the same server_uuid/server_id as this slave has connected to the master; the first event…