In this post, I will take you through a very simple functionality called  the intercompany accounting in dynamics AX 2012. This is a simple walk through of the setup required to be able to do intercompany transactions and also we will post and verify…
Skip Headers Oracle Global Finanicals Oracle Global Financials Technical Reference Manual Release 11i         Globalization Flexfields This document describes the globalization flexfields that store certain pieces of country- and region-specific info…
Skip Headers Oracle Global Finanicals Oracle Global Financials Technical Reference Manual Release 11i         Globalization Flexfields This document describes the globalization flexfields that store certain pieces of country- and region-specific info…
FTP协议命令+返回值+返回值解析 FTP message format:FTP commands are Telnet strings terminated by the Telnet end of line code. The command codes themselves are alphabetic character strings terminated by the character <Space> if parameters follow and <CRLF> o…
Reset 10.5 Leopard & 10.6 Snow Leopard password Power on or restart your Mac. At the chime (or grey screen if your chime is turned off), hold down Command+S on your keyboard to enter single-user mode. This step is optional, but it’s a good idea becau…
2014-07-07 Created By BaoXinjian…
Error Address and Site Creation - Unable to create address and sites because of the following error when trying to create the site in operating unit [COMPANY-OU]: [ORA-01403: no data found in Package AP_VENDOR_PUB_PKG Procedure Validate_Vendor_Site].…
Writing Data You may want to jump right in and start throwing data into your TSD, but to really take advantage of OpenTSDB's power and flexibility, you may want to pause and think about your naming schema. After you've done that, you can procede to p…
1. CocoaPods CocoaPods 是Objective-C (iOS and OS X) projects 的依赖管理器. A CocoaPod (singular) is a specification for a library, usually open source. CocoaPods (plural) is the tool for managing these specs.  [1] 2. How to install CocoaPods 2.1 安装CocoaPods…
游戏项目是基于cocos2d-x开发的,但线上发现一个bug就是玩家在设置完自定义头像后直接闪退.凡是在设置该玩家头像的地方,游戏就直接闪退.最终定位到的问题是图片数据源有问题,我的机器是win7,图片能预览,但同事xp系统该图片是无法预览的,默认的系统自带的图片查看工具也无法显示图片. 把图片拉到sublime text中,查看文件二进制,发现它并非一个完整的jpeg格式 没有jpeg格式的结束标识0xff  0xd9   我在windows下调试代码,发现是在CCImageCommon_cp…
先看下网上的解决方法例如以下: 先依照这个文章做: 大概过程例如以下: Open Xcode 6 Open Preferences Click the Locations tab Change the Command Line Tools version to Xcode 6.0 Uninstall cocoapods a. $ sudo gem uninstall cocoapods In…
Connect C# to MySQL using MySQL Connector/Net, Insert, Update, Select, Delete example, Backup and restore MySQL database from C# or .NET application Download demo - 127.6 KB Download source - 15.43 KB Introduction The purpose of this article is to sh…
先依照这个文章做: 大概过程例如以下: Open Xcode 6 Open Preferences Click the Locations tab Change the Command Line Tools version to Xcode 6.0 Uninstall cocoapods a. $ sudo gem uninstall cocoapods Install xcodeproj…
using System ; using System .Diagnostics; using System .IO;   class Program {     static void Main()     {         //         // Setup the process with the ProcessStartInfo class.         //         ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo();   …
所有的实验报告将会在 Github 同步更新,更多内容请移步至Github: 练习0:填写已有实验 lab8 会依赖 lab…
简介 允许用户模式调试工作的内部机制很少得到充分的解释.更糟糕的是,这些机制在Windows XP中已经发生了根本性的变化,当许多支持被重新编写时,还通过将ntdll中的大多数例程作为本地API的一部分,使更多的子系统变得可移植.希望读者对C和通用NT内核体系结构和语义有一些基本的了解.此外,这并不是介绍什么是调试或如何编写调试器.它可以作为经验丰富的调试器编写人员或好奇的安全专家的参考. Win32 Debugging NT的Win32子系统从第一个版本开始就允许对进程进行调试,随后的版本添加… Working on the project I've seen in the need for compression to capture images with a webcam from the robot, to send to the client application to visualize what he sees in order to control the robot remotely. T…
学到的知识点 通过实现who命令,学到了: 1.使用man命令寻找相关信息 2.基于文件编程 3.体会到c库函数与系统调用的不同 4.加深对缓冲技术的理解 who命令的作用 who命令的使用 在控制终端输入: man who 结果如下图所示 可以看出,who命令的使用很简单,直接在终端输入: who 作用就是显示当前登录的用户信息. who命令的显示结果含义 第一列表示已登录用户,第二列表示终端名,第三列表示登录时间,第四列表示用户的登录地址. 如何实现who命令 逆向推导 定位文件 who命令…
APPLIES TO:Oracle General Ledger - Version to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5.10 to 12.1] Information in this document applies to any platform. Checked for relevance on 30-04-13 This is applicable to R11, 11i and R12ABSTRACT This paper will provide de…
I am currently trying to do a validation at the uninstall moment. In a Pascal script function, in Inno Setup, I want to search for a specific processes, with a wild card if possible. Then, loop through all find results, get the Image Name and Image P……
tile label using [#99ccff] property BackgroundColor - > expression =Iif(Fields!Flag.Value = "1", "Green","Transparent")…
In Depth : Android Boot Sequence / Process What happened when I press power on button in my Android device ?What is Android boot sequence ?What is linux kernel ?What is different between desktop linux kernel and Android linux kernel ?What is bootload… Ever wondered how long is your program spending while waiting for I/O to finish? Or if it is spending lots of time while waiting for a turn to run on one of the cpus? Linux provides delay accounting i…
和以前的版本一样,AX2012中很多地方都使用财务维度,比如客户.销售订单.销售订单行等,根据相应的财务维度设置,生成的相应财务分录将带有财务维度,方便后续对财务分录交易的分析.下图是在客户记录上设置默认财务维度的情况: 默认财务维度只包括CostCenter.Department和ExpensePurpose,如果要象上图要添加显示其他的财务维度,在以前的版本中需要编程实现,但是在AX2012我们只需要配置即可实现. 首先需要创建相应的财务维度(General ledger>Setup>Fi…
作者:umfish  博文 如果要使用Encmubrance Accounting, 需要先在GL创建 Posting Definitions, 路径如下: General ledger -> Setup-> Posting -> Posting definition 选后在总帐参数中选中 Use Posting definitions. General ledger -> Se…
The steps are pretty straight forward. The only tool that might cause some confusion is SMBexec. This requires you to interact 3 times with a different option every time. So here's the options you need to use, in the correct order Select option 1 (Wh…
有的时候我们可能有这样的需求,当某个字段为特定的值情况下,便锁定此条记录,仅允许Profile为System Admin的用户修改或者解锁,其他的用户只能查看此条记录,不能修改此条记录,这种情况下我们就的需要锁定记录(Lock Record). 锁定记录(Lock Record)可以通过Process Builder以及Approval Processes实现功能.本人最开始用的自己申请的免费帐户使用Custom Object来进行测试,发现的尴尬的事情就是Profile为System Admi…
目录 . 引言 . 进程优先级 . 进程的生命周 . 进程表示 . 进程管理相关的系统调用 . 进程调度 . 完全公平调度类 . 实时调度类 . 调度器增强 . 小结 1. 引言 在多处理器系统中,可以真正并行运行的进程数目,取决于物理CPU的数目内核和处理器建立了多任务的"错觉",即可以并行做几种操作,这是通过以很短的间隔在系统运行的应用程序之间不停切换而做到的,这种系统管理方式引发了几个内核必须解决的问题 . 除非明确地要求,否则应用程序不能彼此干扰,例如 ) 应用程序A的错误不能…
At in the U.S. and at Walmart's 11 other websites around the world, we provide seamless shopping experience where products are sold by: Own Merchants for & Walmart Stores Suppliers for Online & Stores Sellers on Walmart's m…