Determining Equality of Objects】的更多相关文章

[Determining Equality of Objects] If you need to determine whether one object is the same as another object, it’s important to remember that you’re working with pointers. The standard C equality operator == is used to test equality between the values…
本文转载至 IOS开发总结 by mhmwadm (感谢mhmwadm) 2013/4/10 1 XCode快捷键 4 2 Objective-C 4 2.1 代码混编 4 2.2 代码中字符串换行 5 2.3 不要调用[super  release] 5 2.4 判断一个字符串是否包含另一个字符串: 5 2.5 没有用到类的成员变量的,都写成类方法 5 2.6 category可以用来调试 5 2.7 Catego…
ValueObject When programming, I often find it's useful to represent things as a compound混合物. A 2D coordinate consists of an x value and y value. An amount of money consists of a number and a currency. A date range consists of start and end dates, whi…
在本练习中,先介绍了SVM的一些基本知识,再使用SVM(支持向量机 )实现一个垃圾邮件分类器. 在开始之前,先简单介绍一下SVM ①从逻辑回归的 cost function 到SVM 的 cost function 逻辑回归的假设函数如下: hθ(x)取值范围为[0,1],约定hθ(x)>=0.5,也即θT·x  >=0时,y=1:比如hθ(x)=0.6,此时表示有60%的概率相信 y 等于1 显然,要想让y取值为1,hθ(x)越大越好,因为hθ(x)越大,y 取值为1的概率也就越大,也即:更…
javascript中由于是弱类型,所以在比较的时候有较大的麻烦.这次专门做了总结: Comparison Operators Comparison operators are used in logical statements to determine equality or difference between variables or values. Given that x=5, the table below explains the comparison operators: Op…
这是一个大学教授写的,非常好,原文: Introduction Structure Syntax Types Simple Composite Type Predictes Numbers, Arithmetic Operators, and Functions Arithmetic Operators Lists Boolean E…
Lua Directory     This page is a top level directory of all Lua content at this wiki, grouped by topic. Introduction to Lua LearningLua – introduction to Lua (a guided directory) LuaTutorial – an informative tutorial written and reviewed by Lua users…
题目下载[传送门] 第1题 简述:支持向量机的实现 (1)线性的情况: 第1步:读取数据文件,可视化数据: % Load from ex6data1: % You will have X, y in your environment load('ex6data1.mat'); % Plot training data plotData(X, y); 第2步:设定不同的C,使用线性核函数训练SVM,并画出决策边界: C = 1; model = svmTrain(X, y, C, @linearK…
Object Pascal 参考手册 (Ver 0.1) OverviewOverview(概述)Using object pascal(使用 object pascal)Object Pascal 是一种高级编译语言,具有强类型(对数据类型的检查非常严格)特性,支持结构化和面向对象编程.它的优点包括代码的易读性.快速编译,以及支持多个单元文件从而实现模块化编程.Object Pascal 具有一些特性以支持 Borland 组件框架和 RAD(快速应用程…
Upon a homely object Love can wink.—William Shakespeare, The Two Gentlemen of Verona The simple types of JavaScript are numbers, strings, booleans (true and false), null,and undefined. All other values are objects. Numbers, strings, and booleans are …