I went to observe 0CTF and 0CON on 4.22 ~ 4.24 and just come back. Not only do I learn a lot from these two activities, but also I have thought a lot. Also, People there giving speechs and pwning the game help me extend my eyereach. First, I must say…
在Windows server 2012.Windows server 2016还未完全普及的情况下,昨天Windows Server团队宣布Windows Server 2019将在2018年的下半年推出.现阶段,大家可以通过微软的Insiders程序访问预览版本.(Insiders位置) Windows Server 2019中新增功能: Windows Server 2019建立在Windows Server 2016的坚实基础之上,而Windows Server 2016是迄今为止Win…