
SmartGit过了30天试用期之后,就需要用户输入序列号才能继续使用,有一个办法可以跳过输入序列号. 一.windows+R  输入:%APPDATA%\syntevo\SmartGit 二.打开7.1文件夹 三.删除setting.xml文件 四.重新打开SmartGit…
一.首先先在码云上新建一个项目 二.复制项目的链接 三.打开SmartGit,点击clone 4.把复制的项目链接粘上去 5.然后点两次next,选择一个路径,finish 6.打开刚刚选择的路径,我们能看到: 7.现在我们要把我们自己的maven项目粘进去 8.做完之后,我们能够看到SmartGit上已经多出来东西了 9.接下来我们先点击Stage,然后点击commit,要填写commit message 的内容(我填的是test smartgit),最后点击commit&push 10.最后…
1. 安装 git # sudo apt-get update# sudo apt-get install git   2. 配置 # git config --global "Your Name" # git config --global ""   3. 查看配置 # gitconfig--list   4.  安装 SmartGit # cd ~/Downloads # wget…
首先在github上创建一个repository, 然后在SmartGit中 点击有上角的repository然后选择Add or Create...然后点击那个文件夹的图标之后选中自己的项目的问题件夹, 然后选中自己要上库的文件,然偶commit,然后push,然后SmartGit就会有弹窗提示是否要新建一个远端吗,然后就吧远端的ssh地址贴上去就ok了… Ubuntu 及衍生版本用户如何安装 SmartGit/HG 6.0.0 [日期:2014-06-03] 来源  作者:Linux [字体:大 中 小]   SmartGit/HG 是一款开放源代码的.跨平台的.支持 Git 和 Mercurial 的 SVN 图形客户端,可运行在Windows.Linux 和 MAC OS X 系统上.可用的最新版本 SmartGit/HG 6.0…
This page provides an introduction to SmartGit from an SVN users perspective and shows how the SVN workflows can be performed using SmartGit: Check Out: cloning an SVN repository Working Copy: the Git working tree Commit (part 1): Commit locally Log:…
'Normal' Merge In case of a normal merge, a merge commit with at least two parent commits (i.e., the last from the current branch and the last from the merged branch) is created. See the following figure, where > indicates where the HEAD is pointing…
The Rebase command allows you to apply commits from one branch to another. Rebase can be viewed as more powerful version of Cherry-Pick, which is optimized to apply multiple commits from one branch to another. In SmartGit, a distinction is made betwe…
The Index The Index is an intermediate cache for preparing a commit. With SmartGit, you can make heavy use of the Index, or ignore its presence completely - it's all up to you. The Stage command allows you to save a file's content from your working t…
Git Concepts This section helps you to get started with Git and gives you an understanding of the fundamental Git concepts. Repository, Working Tree, Commit First, we need to introduce some Git-specific terms which may have different meanings in othe…