题意:给你一个01矩阵,让你选择尽可能少的行数,使得这些行的并集能够覆盖到所有列. DLX算法求解重复覆盖问题模板,使用估价函数进行剪枝. #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int maxn=55+5; const int maxr=55+5; const int maxnode=55*55+5;…
Description After solving Solution to the n Queens Puzzle by constructing, LoadingTime wants to solve a harder version of the N-Queen Problem. Some queens have been set on particular locations on the board in this problem. Can you help him?? Input Th…
问题:sevenzero liked Warcraft very much, but he haven't practiced it for several years after being addicted to algorithms. Now, though he is playing with computer, he nearly losed and only his hero Pit Lord left. sevenzero is angry, he decided to cheat…