Codeforces Round #843 (Div. 2) Problem C】的更多相关文章

& -- 位运算之一,有0则0 原题链接 Problem - 1514B - Codeforces 题目 Example input 2 2 2 100000 20 output 4 226732710 题意 t个测试样例,在每个样例中 数组有n个数,数字范围[ 0, 2k - 1] 使得数组每个数&后,结果=0,并且这n个数的和要尽量大 输出有多少个这样的数组 解析 数组每个数&后,结果=0  -->每一位至少一个0 数要尽量大  -->只要这一位可以 != 0, 就…
还是看大佬的题解吧 CFRound#753(Div.3)A-E(后面的今天明天之内补) - 知乎 ( 传送门  Problem - D - Codeforces 题意 n个数字,n个字符, 数字与字符一一对应, 其中字符R红色代表数字可以上升, B蓝色代表可以下降, 问一顿操作下来能否使n个数含有1~n的所有数 题解 当时真的没想到, 蓝色一定在数组前面, 红色一定在数组后面,( 反正就算有方案使得蓝不在前面, 红不在后面,蓝红也是可以交换的). 排序后, 前面的蓝色数字如果… 对称标题的意思大概是.应当指出的,当线数为奇数时,答案是线路本身的数 #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #define maxn 1005 using namespace std; char a[maxn][maxn]; int ans; void solve…
Adieu l'ami. Koyomi is helping Oshino, an acquaintance of his, to take care of an open space around the abandoned Eikou Cram School building, Oshino's makeshift residence. The space is represented by a rectangular grid of n × m cells, arranged into n…
— This is not playing but duty as allies of justice, Nii-chan! — Not allies but justice itself, Onii-chan! With hands joined, go everywhere at a speed faster than our thoughts! This time, the Fire Sisters — Karen and Tsukihi — is heading for somewher…
Even if the world is full of counterfeits, I still regard it as wonderful. Pile up herbs and incense, and arise again from the flames and ashes of its predecessor — as is known to many, the phoenix does it like this. The phoenix has a rather long lif…
Rock... Paper! After Karen have found the deterministic winning (losing?) strategy for rock-paper-scissors, her brother, Koyomi, comes up with a new game as a substitute. The game works as follows. A positive integer n is decided first. Both Koyomi a…
Palindromic characteristics of string s with length |s| is a sequence of |s| integers, where k-th number is the total number of non-empty substrings of s which are k-palindromes. A string is 1-palindrome if and only if it reads the same backward as f…
The Cartesian coordinate system is set in the sky. There you can see n stars, the i-th has coordinates (xi, yi), a maximum brightness c, equal for all stars, and an initial brightness si (0 ≤ si ≤ c). Over time the stars twinkle. At moment 0 the i-th…
Two boys decided to compete in text typing on the site "Key races". During the competition, they have to type a text consisting of s characters. The first participant types one character in v1 milliseconds and has ping t1 milliseconds. The secon…