.NET Core Ecosystem】的更多相关文章

.NET .NET Blog Application Models Web Mobile Desktop Microservices Gaming Machine Learning Cloud Internet of Things Language Version C# Visual Basic F# 4.7 Platform Version Feature .NET Core 3.0 (runs anywhere!) Windows, Linux, and macOS .NET Framewo…
英文原文 By Daniel Roth ASP.NET 5 is based on the .NET Execution Environment (DNX), which supports running cross-platform on Windows, Mac and Linux. When selecting a DNX to use you also have a choice of .NET flavors to pick from: .NET Framework (CLR), .N…
前段时间,被问了这样一个问题:.NET 应用程序是怎么运行的? 当时大概愣了好久,好像也没说出个所以然,得到的回复是:这是 .NET 程序员最基本的...呵呵! 微软开源,其实不只是对 .NET 本身有利,从另一方面讲,对于 .NET 程序员来说,因为开源,你可以想了解到你想要的任何事.在之前的岁月,你可以"平凡"做一个默默无闻的 C# 代码撰写者,可以不用考虑任何事,使用宇宙最强大的 IDE - Visual Studio 编写代码后,发布到 IIS 即可,就是这么简单,甚至你不需要…
本文转自:https://www.exceptionnotfound.net/writing-custom-middleware-in-asp-net-core-1-0/ One of the new features from ASP.NET Core 1.0 is the idea of Middleware. Middleware are components of an application that examine the requests responses coming in t…
魅力 .NET:从 Mono..NET Core 说起 前段时间,被问了这样一个问题:.NET 应用程序是怎么运行的? 当时大概愣了好久,好像也没说出个所以然,得到的回复是:这是 .NET 程序员最基本的...呵呵! 微软开源,其实不只是对 .NET 本身有利,从另一方面讲,对于 .NET 程序员来说,因为开源,你可以想了解到你想要的任何事.在之前的岁月,你可以“平凡”做一个默默无闻的 C# 代码撰写者,可以不用考虑任何事,使用宇宙最强大的 IDE - Visual Studio 编写代码后,发…
Unlike most of the other projects in this book, NoSQL is not a tool, but an ecosystem composed of several complimentary and competing tools. The tools branded with the NoSQL monicker provide an alternative to SQL-based relational database systems for…
At connect(), we announced that .NET Core will be entirely released as open source software. I also promised to follow up with more details on .NET Core. In this post, I’ll provide an overview of .NET Core, how we’re going to release it, how it relat…
来自于:http://springtutorials.com/spring-ecosystem/ Hello and Welcome to Spring Tutorials Blog! Is it fair to assume you have at least heard of Spring Framework official website – spring.io? If not, I would recommend that you check it out. There are som…
Introducing .NET Standard In my last post, I talked about how we want to make porting to .NET Core easier. In this post, I’ll focus on how we’re making this plan a reality with .NET Standard. We’ll cover which APIs we plan to include, how cross-frame…
前段时间,被问了这样一个问题:.NET 应用程序是怎么运行的? 当时大概愣了好久,好像也没说出个所以然,得到的回复是:这是 .NET 程序员最基本的...呵呵! 微软开源,其实不只是对 .NET 本身有利,从另一方面讲,对于 .NET 程序员来说,因为开源,你可以想了解到你想要的任何事.在之前的岁月,你可以“平凡”做一个默默无闻的 C# 代码撰写者,可以不用考虑任何事,使用宇宙最强大的 IDE - Visual Studio 编写代码后,发布到 IIS 即可,就是这么简单,甚至你不需要知道 II…