CF222C Reducing Fractions】的更多相关文章

题目大意: 给出两个集合,第一个集合数的乘积是分子,第二个集合的数的乘积是分母,要求够造一个同样的集合,但是得到的分数是最简分数. 分析: 寻找思路并不复杂,对两个集合的每个数进行质因数分解,然后统计整个集合的质因数分解情况,再将两个集合的质因数的次数大减小即可.构造时使两个集合中元素的个数不变,尽可能地构造成原先集合的数,如果不行就填一个 \(1\).但质因数分解的过程中不能采用 \(O(\sqrt n)\) 的复杂度,会超时,接下来介绍本题中进行质因数分解的方法. 其实也不是很复杂,就是对于…
To confuse the opponents, the Galactic Empire represents fractions in an unusual format. The fractions are represented as two sets of integers. The product of numbers from the first set gives the fraction numerator, the product of numbers from the se…
ACM思维题训练集合 To confuse the opponents, the Galactic Empire represents fractions in an unusual format. The fractions are represented as two sets of integers. The product of numbers from the first set gives the fraction numerator, the product of numbers…
codeforces 627 D. Preorder Test 二分 + 树dp 做logn次树dp codeforces 578D.LCS Again 给出一个字符串str,长度n<=10^6,由m种字符组成,问有多少个长度为n,与str的LCS 为 n-1的字符串t 这道题可以用dp套dp,但是我不会阿 可以找规律统计,考虑: 1.取哪个位置 2.放在哪个位置 3.放什么字符 可以知道,如果str分成了block份,每一份的字符相同,则 ans = block * n * (m - 1) 但…
A. Shooshuns and Sequence 显然\([k,n]\)之间所有数均要相同,为了求最少步数,即最多模拟\(n\)次操作即可. B. Cosmic Tables 映射\(x_i,y_i\)即可. C. Reducing Fractions 分别统计\(\prod a_i.\prod b_i\)的质因子系数,然后取小即可. D. Olympiad 相当于计算\(a_i+b_j \ge x\)最大数量,显然每次从\(a_i\)获\(b_j\)中找最大值,然后从另一集合中找出最小值刚好…
题目地址: 选题为入门的Codeforce div2/div1的C题和D题. 题解: A:CF思维联系–CodeForces -214C (拓扑排序+思维+贪心) B:CF–思维练习-- CodeForces - 215C - Crosses(思维题) C:CF–思维练习–CodeForces - 216C - Hiring Staff (思维+模拟) D:CF思维联系–CodeForces-217C C. Formurosa(这题鸽了) E:CF思维联系–CodeForces - 218C E…
传送门 Description Vladik and Chloe decided to determine who of them is better at math. Vladik claimed that for any positive integer n he can represent fraction   as a sum of three distinct positive fractions in form . Help Vladik with that, i.e for a g…
D. On Sum of Fractions Let's assume that v(n) is the largest prime number, that does not exceed n; u(n) is the smallest prime number strictly greater than n. Find . Input The first line contains integer t (1 ≤ t ≤ 500) — the number of testscases. Eac…
别看本文没有几页纸,本着把经典的文多读几遍的想法,把它彩印出来看,没想到效果很好,比在屏幕上看着舒服.若用蓝色的笔圈出重点,这篇文章中几乎要全蓝.字字珠玑. Reducing the Dimensionality of Data with Neural Networks G.E. Hinton and R.R. Salakhutdinov  摘要 训练一个带有很小的中间层的多层神经网络,可以重构高维空间的输入向量,实现从高维数据到低维编码的效果.(原文为high-dimensional data…
Fun With Fractions Time Limit: 1000ms, Special Time Limit:2500ms, Memory Limit:65536KB Total submit users: 152, Accepted users: 32 Problem 12878 : No special judgement Problem description A rational number can be represented as the ratio of two integ…
Octal Fractions Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 149  Solved: 98 Description Fractions in octal (base 8) notation can be expressed exactly in decimal notation. For example, 0.75 in octal is 0.963125 (7/8 + 5/64) in decimal. All octal num…
Octal Fractions Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 6669   Accepted: 3641 Description Fractions in octal (base 8) notation can be expressed exactly in decimal notation. For example, 0.75 in octal is 0.953125 (7/8 + 5/64) in d…
前言 论文“Reducing the Dimensionality of Data with Neural Networks”是深度学习鼻祖hinton于2006年发表于<SCIENCE >的论文,也是这篇论文揭开了深度学习的序幕. 笔记 摘要:高维数据可以通过一个多层神经网络把它编码成一个低维数据,从而重建这个高维数据,其中这个神经网络的中间层神经元数是较少的,可把这个神经网络叫做自动编码网络或自编码器(autoencoder).梯度下降法可用来微调这个自动编码器的权值,但是只有在初始化权值…
C. Vladik and fractions 题目链接 题面 Vladik and Chloe decided to determine who of them is better at math. Vladik claimed that for any positive integer n he can represent fraction as a sum of three distinct posit…
题目传送门 /* x>=y, 1/x <= 1/y, 因此1/k - 1/y <= 1/y, 即y <= 2*k */ #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <map> #include <…
P1530 分数化小数 Fractions to Decimals 103通过 348提交 题目提供者该用户不存在 标签USACO 难度普及/提高- 提交  讨论  题解 最新讨论 暂时没有讨论 题目描述 写一个程序,输入一个形如N/D的分数(N是分子,D是分母),输出它的小数形式. 如果小数有循环节的话,把循环节放在一对圆括号中. 例如, 1/3 =0.33333333写成0.(3), 41/333 = 0.123123123...写成0.(123), 用xxx.0 等表示整数. 典型的转化例…
P1458 顺序的分数 Ordered Fractions 151通过 203提交 题目提供者该用户不存在 标签USACO 难度普及- 提交  讨论  题解 最新讨论 暂时没有讨论 题目描述 输入一个自然数N,对于一个最简分数a/b(分子和分母互质的分数),满足1<=b<=N,0<=a/b<=1,请找出所有满足条件的分数. 这有一个例子,当N=5时,所有解为: 0/1 1/5 1/4 1/3 2/5 1/2 3/5 2/3 3/4 4/5 1/1 给定一个自然数N,1<=n&…
Deeplearning原文作者Hinton代码注解 Matlab示例代码为两部分,分别对应不同的论文: . Reducing the Dimensionality of data with neural networks ministdeepauto.m backprop.m rbmhidlinear.m . A fast learing algorithm for deep belief net mnistclassify.m backpropclassfy.m 其余部分代码通用. %%%%…
10976 Fractions Again It is easy to see that for every fraction in the form 1 k (k > 0), we can always find two positive integers x and y, x ≥ y, such that: 1 k = 1 x + 1 y Now our question is: can you write a program that counts how many such pairs…
Consider the fraction, n/d, where n and d are positive integers. If nd and HCF(n,d)=1, it is called a reduced proper fraction. If we list the set of reduced proper fractions for d  8 in ascending order of size, we get: 1/8, 1/7, 1/6, 1/5, 1/4, 2/7, 1…
Consider the fraction, n/d, where n and d are positive integers. If nd and HCF(n,d)=1, it is called a reduced proper fraction. If we list the set of reduced proper fractions for d  8 in ascending order of size, we get: 1/8, 1/7, 1/6, 1/5, 1/4, 2/7, 1…
题目链接: Time limit(ms): 1000 Memory limit(kb): 10000   Description Consider the set of all reduced fractions between 0 and 1 inclusive with denominators less than or equal to N. Here is the set when N = 5: 0/1 1/5 1/…
The fraction 49/98 is a curious fraction, as an inexperienced mathematician in attempting to simplify it may incorrectly believe that49/98 = 4/8, which is correct, is obtained by cancelling the 9s. We shall consider fractions like, 30/50 = 3/5, to be…
题目链接:Codeforces 396B On Sum of Fractions 题解来自: 题目大意:给出一个n,ans = ∑(2≤i≤n)1/(v(i)*u(i)), v(i)为不大于i的最大素数,u(i)为大于i的最小素数, 求ans,输出以分式形式. 解题思路:一開始看到这道题1e9,暴力是不可能了,没什么思路,后来在纸上列了几项,突然想到高中时候求等差数列时候用到…
首先看一下题目 Consider the set of all reduced fractions between 0 and 1 inclusive with denominators less than or equal to N. Here is the set when N = 5: 0/1 1/5 1/4 1/3 2/5 1/2 3/5 2/3 3/4 4/5 1/1 Write a program that, given an integer N between 1 and 160…
数学世界中,浮点数还可以用分数形式展示,不可约简的分数形式往往更简洁直观.  问题来了,Python中如何输出不可约简的分数形式呢?  答案:用Fraction类来实现.这个类属于标准库的fractions模块.按照国际惯例,用之前需要先导入模块:from fractions import Fraction    下面重点介绍fractions的核心:Fraction类.     1,该类的构造方法:class fractions.Fraction(numerator = 0,denominat…
Problem UVA12558-Efyptian Fractions(HARD version) Accept:187  Submit:3183 Time Limit: 3000 mSec  Problem Description Given a fraction a/b, write it as a sum of different Egyptian fraction. For example, 2/3 = 1/2 + 1/6. Thereisonerestrictionthough: th…
A continued fraction of height n is a fraction of form . You are given two rational numbers, one is represented as  and the other one is represented as a finite fraction of height n. Check if they are equal. Input The first line contains two space-se…
decimal 1.作用: 用于浮点数计算.相比内置的二进制浮点数实现 float这个类型有助于 金融应用和其它需要精确十进制表达的场合,控制精度,控制舍入以适应法律或者规定要求,确保十进制数位精度,或者用户希望计算结果与手算相符的场合.Decimal 重现了手工的数学运算,这就确保了二进制浮点数无法精确保有的数据精度. 高精度使 Decimal 可以执行二进制浮点数无法进行的模运算和等值测试 2.函数: 其实decimal模块最常用的函数就是Decimal()和getcontext(),其他基…
说实话,这篇paper看了很久,,到现在对里面的一些东西还不是很好的理解. 下面是我的理解,当同行看到的话,留言交流交流啊!!!!! 这篇文章的中心点:围绕着如何降低  internal covariate shift 进行的, 它的方法就是进行batch normalization. internal covariate shift 和 batch normalization 1. 什么是 internal covariate shift呢? 简单地理解为一个网络或system的输入的dirs…