Character data is represented incorrectly when the code page of the client computer differs from the code page of the database in SQL Server 2005 Email Print SYMPTOMS Consider the following scenario: In…
最近把公司代码库里的代码同步下来之后编译了下,竟然出问题.问下同事说代码库肯定没问题,而我啥也没改,那到底那里出问题了呢? VS2018报的错误是:error RC2001: newline in constant 百度下这个错误的原因,主要原因是定义的字符串常量两个引号之间有换行,跳到相应出错的代码位置处,大体可以解决这个编译错误.当然,这个问题只是表象.由于代码库里的代码编译肯定能通过,而且这些代码已经跑了很久了,不可能存在这么低级的编译问题. 那么问题出在哪呢? 答案是操作系统的设置.问题…
提示:IIS7的FTP出错: 451 No mapping for the unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page 今天在IIS7的FTP下,直接用WIN7的资源管理器打开FTP,在传输中文文件的时候报错: 451 No mapping for the unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page 解决方法: And it is indeed…
Embodiments of the invention are generally directed to systems, methods, and apparatuses for linear to physical address translation with support for page attributes. In some embodiments, a system receives an instruction to translate a memory pointer…
用Visual Studio2015 编译时,遇到如下编译错误: error C2220: warning treated as error - no 'object' file generated warning C4819: The file contains a character that cannot be represented in the current code page (936). Save the file in Unicode format to prevent dat…
开篇介绍 最近经常碰到在 ETL 练习中出现这种转换失败的问题,试了多种方式,同样的代码同样的源结构和表结构但是一直不能成功执行,包报错.一般有这么几种错误: Error at DST_LOAD_DATA_FROM_FILE [OLE_DST_EMPLOYEE[109]]: The column "FirstName" cannot be processed because more than one code page (1252 and 936) are specified for…
Get followings error and warnings when building project: error RC1205: invalid code pagewarning C4005: '__useHeader' : macro redefinitionwarning C4005: '__on_failure' : macro redefinition Explanation from MSDN: Resource Compiler Fatal Error RC1205 Th…
使用windows版本的nginx启动时遇到(1113: No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page)这个错误 后来查阅资料发现是因为解压的路径里面包含有中文的缘故,只要把解压后的文件剪切到没有包含中文的目录即可解决问题  …
nginx部署网站后,访问域名,网页显示  500 Internal Server Error ,经查看发现nginx的error.log中有报错: failed (1113: No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page), client: 但是其他部署的网站又没有问题,根据字眼Unicode character猜测是中文路径的问题,修改后再次访问,成功.…
ANSI编码与代码页(Code Page) 一.ANSI编码 1. 如前所述,在全世界所有国家和民族的文字符号统一编码的Unicode编码方案问世之前,各个国家.民族为了用计算机记录并显示自己的字符,都在ASCII编码方案的基础上,设计了各自的编码方案. 比如欧洲先后设计了EASCII和ISO/IEC 8859系列字符编码方案:为了显示中文及相关字符,中国设计了GB系列编码("GB"为"国标"的汉语拼音首字母缩写,即"国家标准"之意). 同样,日…