---------------------------Scope-------------------------------- https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/scope What are Scopes? Scope is an object that refers to the application model. It is an execution context for expressions. Scopes are arranged in hiera…
---------------------------Scope-------------------------------- https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/scope What are Scopes? Scope is an object(是一个数据模型) that refers to the application model. It is an execution context(scope是表达式的执行上下文) for expressions. Sc…
AngularJS is a huge framework with that already has many performance enhancements built in, but they can’t solve all our problems. No matter how fast the framework, we can all create sluggish code through bad practices and not understanding key conce…
Exploring Python Code Objects https://late.am/post/2012/03/26/exploring-python-code-objects.html Inspired by David Beazley's Keynote at PyCon, I've been digging around in code objects in Python lately. I don't have a particular axe to grind, nor some…
原文:http://blog.mgechev.com/2015/03/09/build-learn-your-own-light-lightweight-angularjs/ Build Your own Simplified AngularJS in 200 Lines of JavaScript Edit My practice proved that there are two good/easy ways to learn a new technology: Re-implement i…
Scopes作用域 Scoping allows you to define commonly used queries that you can easily use later. Scopes can include all the same attributes as regular finders, where, include, limit etc. Scoping允许你去定义普遍使用的查询,这样你之后就能够简单使用.Scopes能够像一般的查询器一样包含 where, include…