Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 256MB Score : 200 points Problem Statement Alice, Bob and Charlie are playing Card Game for Three, as below: At first, each of the three players has a deck consisting of some number of cards. Each card has a letter …
Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 256MB Score : 100 points Problem Statement There is a hotel with the following accommodation fee: X yen (the currency of Japan) per night, for the first K nights Y yen per night, for the (K+1)-th and subsequent nigh…
Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 256MB Score : 300 points Problem Statement You are given a string S consisting of digits between 1 and 9, inclusive. You can insert the letter + into some of the positions (possibly none) between two letters in this…
A - ABC/ARC Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 256MB Score : 100 points Problem Statement Smeke has decided to participate in AtCoder Beginner Contest (ABC) if his current rating is less than 1200, and participate in AtCoder Regular Contest (ARC) oth…
目录 AtCoder Beginner Contest 153 题解 A - Serval vs Monster 题意 做法 程序 B - Common Raccoon vs Monster 题意 做法 程序 C - Fennec vs Monster 做法 程序 D - Caracal vs Monster 做法 程序 E - Crested Ibis vs Monster 做法 程序 F - Silver Fox vs Monster 做法 程序 感谢 AtCoder Beginner Co…
AtCoder Beginner Contest 173 题解 目录 AtCoder Beginner Contest 173 题解 A - Payment B - Judge Status Summary C - H and V D - Chat in a Circle E - Multiplication 4 F - Intervals on Tree A - Payment 首先我们可以把所有不用找零的部分都付掉,这样就只剩下了\(A \mod 1000\)这样一个"\(A\)除以\(10…
AtCoder Beginner Contest 172 题解 目录 AtCoder Beginner Contest 172 题解 A - Calc B - Minor Change C - Tsundoku D - Sum of Divisors E - NEQ F - Unfair Nim A - Calc 程序如下(真的有人需要嘛): #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdi…
目录 AtCoder Beginner Contest 148 题解 前言 A - Round One 题意 做法 程序 B - Strings with the Same Length 题意 做法 程序 C - Snack 题意 做法 程序 D - Brick Break 题意 做法 程序 E - Double Factorial 题意 做法 程序 F - Playing Tag on Tree 题意 做法 程序 结束语 AtCoder Beginner Contest 148 题解 前言 包…
A - Happy Birthday! Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 1000MB Score: 100 points Problem Statement E869120's and square1001's 16-th birthday is coming soon.Takahashi from AtCoder Kingdom gave them a round cake cut into 16 equal fan-shaped pieces. E869…