Parenthesis Problem Description: Bobo has a balanced parenthesis sequence P=p1 p2-pn of length n and q questions. The i-th question is whether P remains balanced after pai and pbi swapped. Note that questions are individual so that they have no affec…
题目链接: Bobo has a balanced parenthesis sequence P=p 1 p 2…p n of length n and q questions. The i-th question is whether P remains balanced after p ai and p bi swapped. Note that questions are ind… Input 第一行三个数n,m,v0 表示有n名萌新和m次调整,初始时全部萌新的集训难度都为v0 第2~m+1行 每行三个数或四个数 0 x y v 表示把 [x,y]区间内的萌新的集训难度都增加v 1 x y v 表示把 [x,y]区间内的萌新的集训难度都变为v 2 x y表示询问[x,y]区间内萌新的集训难度之和 0<n,m<=10^5, |v|<=10^5 Output…