
OpenCascade:Topo类型转换 TopoDS_Edge newEdge; if (oldShape.ShapeType()==TopAbs_EDGE) newEdge=TopoDS::Edge(oldShape);…
OpenCASCADE PCurve of Topological Face Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides a class BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace to build topological faces. A face maybe built from a surface, elementary surface from gp package, surface from Geom, from a wire and…
Conversion Operators in OpenCascade Abstract. C++ lets us redefine the meaning of the operators when applied to objects. It also lets us define conversion operations for class types. Class-type conversions are used like the built-in con…
OpenCASCADE Face Normals Abstract. 要显示一个逼真的三维模型,其顶点坐标.顶点法向.纹理坐标这三个信息必不可少.本文主要介绍如何在OpenCASCADE的Draw中显示出曲面的法向量,通过使用相关命令,来方便地对曲面的法向进行检查. Key Words. Face, Surface, Normals 1. Introduction 曲面上点的法向量对于三维显示程序来说是一个重要的数据,他的正确与否直接影响曲面对光照的反应进而影响显示效…
OpenCASCADE Make Face With Holes OpenCASCADE提供了构造Face的类BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace,使用这个类可以构造出带孔的面.如下图所示: 当然,要得到上图所示的结果,还可以使用Boolean操作,用一个面去Cut几个圆柱.当使用布尔操作就会涉及到一些复杂算法,如求交,重构Topo体等,比较耗时.既然可以直接在生成面的时候挖孔,这个不涉及复杂算法,速度.稳定性都比使用布尔操作要好.本文主要来介绍如何使用BR…
Bounding Volume Hierarchy BVH in OpenCASCADE Abstract. Bounding Volume Hierarchy(BVH) organizes geometric objects in the tree based on spatial relationships. Each node in the tree contains an axis-aligned bounding box of all the objects…
背景: 不久前,我发布了一个调试工具:发布:.NET开发人员必备的可视化调试工具(你值的拥有) 效果是这样的: 之后,有小部分用户反映,工具用不了(没反应或有异常)~~~ 然后,建议小部分用户换个电脑环境试试,有些就好了~~~ 于是,我假定是VS环境下的 Microsoft.VisualStudio.DebuggerVisualizers.dll 的版本不一致引发的. 因此,一般我都建议用户自己下载源码,重新引用去编绎一下!!! 由于该工具一直在CSDN论坛的VB.NET版块置顶着. 考虑到受众…
OpenCASCADE AIS Manipulator Abstract. OpenCASCADE7.1.0 introduces new built-in interactive object AIS_Manipulator providing interface for moving objects within 3D viewer. The class features three kinds of transformation modes for attach…
Convert BSpline Curve to Arc Spline in OpenCASCADE Abstract. The paper based on OpenCASCADE algorithms to approximate the NURBS curve to arc spline. The method is most useful in numerical control to drive the cutter along straight line…
OpenCASCADE Shape Location Abstract. The TopLoc package of OpenCASCADE gives resources to handle 3D local coordinate systems called Locations. A Location is a composition of elementary coordinate systems, each one is called a Datum. The…