本篇文档主要解决2个问题: 1. centos5通过yum安装的master版本肯定低于centos6安装的minion,所以必须升级salt-master 2. zeromq版本太低会报这个错 2014-10-29 14:36:04,597 [salt.master ][WARNING ] You have a version of ZMQ less than ZMQ 3.2! There are known connection keep-alive issues with ZMQ…
Issue: When you set up a Salt Master server and several Minions, you may find that none of minions could be seen by master. nc -v -z salt.master.ip.addr 4505 nc: connect to port 4505 (tcp) failed: No route to host Reason: The firewall on…
在salt master端执行salt ‘*’ test.ping时,某一节点出现如下报错:Minion did not return. [No response] 登陆到这一节点查看minion的日志,发现如下的问题: $ tail -f /var/log/salt/minion The master may need to be updated , or If you are confident that you are connecting to a valid Salt Master,…
2.salt master已缓存此节点的公钥,此salt minion将等待10秒,然后再尝试重新验证. [ERROR ] The Salt Master has cached the public key for this node, this salt minion will wait for 10 seconds before attempting to re-authenticate 解决办法: 请务必关闭selinux和iptables…
You are using the EPEL 5 version of the repo instead of 6, go into your /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo file and change: mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=epel-5&arch=$basearch to mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirro…