Stanford CS1 Compilers PA2J notes】的更多相关文章

[题记·碎碎念] 斯坦福这门Compilers原本放在Coursera上,当年错过档期很是可惜,后来发现他们自己的MOOC站放了一个self paced版本,真是普大喜奔,趁着放假有空学学. 这门课的分量可以很轻,亦可很重.self-paced版本如果你只是看看视频,做做quiz,那么很简单,根据课程介绍,一个星期3小时就够了:而如果你要做programming assignments,老师给“有经验的”程序员预估6-10个小时/周的工作量.其实Coursera版写的是8-10 hours/we…
Awesome Courses  Introduction There is a lot of hidden treasure lying within university pages scattered across the internet. This list is an attempt to bring to light those awesome courses which make their high-quality material i.e. assignments, lect…
批量梯度下降是一种对参数的update进行累积,然后批量更新的一种方式.用于在已知整个训练集时的一种训练方式,但对于大规模数据并不合适. 随机梯度下降是一种对参数随着样本训练,一个一个的及时update的方式.常用于大规模训练集,当往往容易收敛到局部最优解. 详细参见:Andrew Ng 的Machine Learning的课件(见参考1) 可能存在的改进 1)样本可靠度,特征完备性的验证 例如可能存在一些outlier,这种outlier可能是测量误差,也有可能是未考虑样本特征,例如有一件衣服…
1.x++ is a method , the return value is x. (post increment) ++x is also a method , the return value is x+1. (pre increment) 2.muti-dim Array int[][] matrix = new int[2][3]; matrix[0][1] = 5; 3.Boxing : Creating an object around a particular primitive…
1.If ( str1==str2 ) means if str1 and str2 are refers to the same OBJECT. But when compare string , they are not the same actual object. So we usually use "str1.equals(str2)" to compare the value of the two strings. 2.encryption  Caesar Cipher 3…
1.Local variable(local) ex. int i = 0; factorial(i); the "i" outside the method factorial(i) is called local variable ; and the "i" in method factorial(i) is a copy of the "i" outside instance variable(ival) local variable(lo…
Karel world 1.During make a divider operation --int x=5; double y = x/2  =>  y=2 we need sth as a double for the purpose of this operation treat it as though it were a double . --int x=5; double y = (double)x/2  =>  y=2.5 OR --int x=5; double y = x/…
latex Table of Contents 1. Presentation/Slides with Beamer 2. Drawing in LaTex With TikZ 3. Tracked changes and comments with todonotes 4. Latex 4.1. nomenclature in article 4.2. section without number 4.3. page break 4.4. defining a new environment…
Machine Learning Algorithms Study Notes 高雪松 @雪松Cedro Microsoft MVP 本系列文章是Andrew Ng 在斯坦福的机器学习课程 CS 229 的学习笔记. Machine Learning Algorithms Study Notes 系列文章介绍 3 Learning Theory 3.1 Regularization and model selection 模型选择问题:对于一个学习问题,可以有多种模型选择.比如要拟合一组样本点,…
Machine Learning Algorithms Study Notes 高雪松 @雪松Cedro Microsoft MVP 本系列文章是Andrew Ng 在斯坦福的机器学习课程 CS 229 的学习笔记. Machine Learning Algorithms Study Notes 系列文章介绍 2    Supervised Learning    3 2.1    Perceptron Learning Algorithm (PLA)    3 2.1.1    PLA --…