原文地址:陈晓csdn博客 http://blog.csdn.net/juvxiao/article/details/39495037 论文概况 论文名称:Ceph: A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System论文作者:Sage A. Weil Scott A. Brandt Ethan L. Miller Darrell D. E. Long Carlos Maltzahn论文发表单位:University of Californi…
转自:https://www.ustack.com/blog/ceph%ef%bc%8dpg-peering/ Peering:互为副本的三个(此处为设置的副本个数,通常设置为3)pg的元数据达到一致的过程.官方解释如下: the process of bringing all of the OSDs that store a Placement Group (PG) into agreement about the state of all of the objects (and their…
网络结构 Ceph 使用以太网连接内部各存储节点以及连接 client 和集群.Ceph 推荐使用两个网络: 前端(北向)网络( a public (front-side) network):连接客户端和集群 The public network handles client traffic and communication with Ceph monitors. 后端/东西向网络 (a cluster (back-side) network):连接 Ceph 各存储节 The cluste…