A. Power Consumption Calculation】的更多相关文章

A. Power Consumption Calculation 题目连接: http://www.codeforces.com/contest/10/problem/A Description Tom is interested in power consumption of his favourite laptop. His laptop has three modes. In normal mode laptop consumes P1 watt per minute. T1 minute…
http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/10/A 题很简单,就是题意难懂啊... #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; ; struct node { int l,r; } g[N]; int main() { int n,p1,p2,p3,t1,t2; while(cin>>n>>p…
A. Power Consumption Calculation time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Tom is interested in power consumption of his favourite laptop. His laptop has three modes. In normal mode l…
Here is my draft evaluation when old MCU replacement for power consumption, the comparsion betwween PIC and MSP430. The current calculation is based on average of one bit-bang communication. One bit-bang communication total time is 48.868 ms, 28.868…
20161008 note : I have a PCB board called 'A' where a piece of STM8L052C6 and a piece of CC1101 are put. And I have another PCB board called 'B' where a piece of STM8L051F3 and a piece of CC1101 are put. The 'MISO' pin of STM8L052C6 in 'A' is designe…
電池標稱電壓 定義如下圖, 以25度為例,20度再往上點, 4V 放一下電就往下掉, 3V 放一下電就往下掉, 假設 3.8V 是擁有最多 capacity 可以 discharge 的電壓,放電放了很久仍維持 3.8V, 因此我們定義 3.8V 為這顆電池的標稱電壓,(不同型號的電池也許不一樣) 通常在電池的外觀可以看到此參數, power consumption 量測 使用假電池測量 power consumption 時, 應該將 電壓 設為 電池的標稱電壓, 因為標稱電壓佔了從滿電到裝置…
Precondition : 配有 power path 功能的 BQ2589 手機. 接上 pc usb port. Origin : 今天有同事問我, 手機是否可以在接上 pc usb port 時,讓手機停充, 有以下幾種停充, 停充_1 : BQ25896 有 power path 的功能, 可以單獨停充電池, 只要 disable CHG_CONFIG bit 即可, 充電器仍可以供給 system. 如圖 停充_2 : 將 charger ic 的 input current 設為…
input: unscaled moment of one bladeoutput: power coefficient of a 3-blades wind/tidal turbine matlab code function cp=coeff(m) % v : velocity % m : unscaled moment of one blade % rho : density % cp : power coefficient of 3 blades % omega: angular vel…
Minimizing the overall power conservation in a symmetric multiprocessor system disposed in a system-on-chip (SoC) depends on using voltage islands operated at different voltages such that similar circuits will perform at significantly different level…
power domain:一个逻辑的集合体,包含power supply的一些信息.建立在FE. voltage area:chip上的一块物理区域.可以看作power domain的物理实现. Level shift,isolate cell,retention register的插入,越早越好,这样他们对timing和physical design的 影响,能更早的可见,CTS和DFT应该是对power已知的. Power Intent描述设计中的power domain,level shi…