Socket programming in C on Linux | tutorial】的更多相关文章

TCP/IP socket programming This is a quick guide/tutorial to learning socket programming in C language on a Linux system. "Linux" because the code snippets shown over here will work only on a Linux system and not on Windows. The windows api to so…
原文:linux c socket programming 好文章 PPT verygood C: Linux Socket Programming, TCP, a simple HTTP client…
Typically two processes communicate with each other on a single system through one of the following inter process communication techniques. Pipes Message queues Shared memory There are several other methods. But the above are some of the very classic…
Linux have amazed every tech guy and make them curious to hands on Linux. Many of us not feel Linux easy to use but almost everyone agrees that it is a powerful l OS. I am always interested in learning more on Linux. I found Linux is not as difficult…
Simple Client-Server socket program in PHP Introduction Sockets are used for interprocess communication. Interprocess communication is generally based on client-server model. In this case, client-server are the applications that interact with each ot…
Conclusion And that's all there is to it! Here is how our client looks like Here is how our server looks like That is all there is to the socket programming.…
Getting Started You can argue that one can overcome these shortcomings by multithreading meaning that one can spawn a new thread and let that thread do the polling which then notifies the main thread of the data. This concept could work well, but eve…
This is the second part of the previous article about the socket programming. In the earlier article we created a client but that client used to make blocking IO calls ( Receive ) to read data at regular intervals (via clicking the Rx button). But as… In this article, let us discuss how to write Perl socket programming using the inbuilt socket modules in Perl. Perl socket modules provides an object interface that makes it easier…
本文介绍使用Python进行Socket网络编程,假设读者已经具备了基本的网络编程知识和Python的基本语法知识,本文中的代码如果没有说明则都是运行在Python 3.4下. Python的socket功能封装在socket库中,要使用socket,记得先import socket,socket库的详细介绍参见官方文档. 创建Socket 首先创建一个socket,使用socket库中得socket函数创建. import socket # create an INET, STREAM soc…