The problem. Given a set of N distinct points in the plane, draw every (maximal) line segment that connects a subset of 4 or more of the points. Point data type. Create an immutable data type Point that represents a point in the plane by implementing…
Planar data classification with a hidden layer Welcome to the second programming exercise of the deep learning specialization. In this notebook you will generate red and blue points to form a flower. You will then fit a neural network to correctly cl…
自我总结: 1.编程的思维不够,虽然分析有哪些需要的函数,但是不能比较好的汇总整合 2.写代码能力,容易挫败感,经常有bug,很烦心,耐心不够好 题目: In this programming assignment you will implement one or more of the integer multiplication algorithms described in lecture. To get the most out of this assignment, your pro…
实现一个泛型的双端队列和随机化队列,用数组和链表的方式实现基本数据结构,主要介绍了泛型和迭代器. Dequeue. 实现一个双端队列,它是栈和队列的升级版,支持首尾两端的插入和删除.Deque的API如下 public class Deque<Item> implements Iterable<Item> { public Deque() // construct an empty deque public boolean isEmpty() // is the deque emp…
Please note that when you are working on the programming exercise you will find comments that say "# GRADED FUNCTION: functionName". Do not edit that comment. The function in that code block will be graded. 1) What is a Jupyter notebook? A Jupyt…
The Problem. 求解8数码问题.用最少的移动次数能使8数码还原. Best-first search.使用A*算法来解决,我们定义一个Seach Node,它是当前搜索局面的一种状态,记录了从初始到达当前状态的移动次数和上一个状态.初始化时候,当前状态移动次数为0,上一个状态为null,将其放入优先级队列,通过不断的从优先级队列中取出Seach Node去扩展下一级的状态,直到找到目标状态.对于优先级队列中优先级的定义我们可以采用:Hamming priority function 和…
3种版本的答案,第一种使用virtual top and bottom site, 但有backwash的问题,解决这个问题有两种方法: 1. 使用2个WQUUF, 但会增加memory. One for checking if the system percolates(include virtual top and bottom), and the other to check if a given cell is full(only include virtual top). 而且要注意,…
编程作业二 作业链接:Deques and Randomized Queues & Checklist 我的代码 & & 问题简介 Write a generic data type for a deque and a randomized queue. The goal of this assignment is to implement elementary data struct…
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut; import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdRandom; import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdStats; /* *How do I generate a site uniformly at random among all blocked sites for use in PercolationStats? * Pick a site at random (by u…
编程作业三 作业链接:Baseball Elimination & Checklist 我的代码 问题简介 这是一个最大流模型的实际应用问题:篮球淘汰赛,设想你现在知道如下的比赛信息: w[i] l[i] r[i] g[i][j] i team wins loss left Atl Phi NY Mon ------------------------------------------------ 0 Atlanta 83 71 8 - 1 6…
作业原文: 这次作业与第一周作业相比,稍微简单一些.有三个编程练习:双端队列(Deque)设计.随机队列(Randomized Queue)设计,还有一个排列组合类Permutation. 一.双端队列Deque 设计要求:A double-ended queue or deque (pronounced "deck") is a generalization o…
题目来源 作业分为两部分:建立模型和仿真实验. 最关键的部分就是建立模型对象.模型对象要求如下: The model. We model a percolation system using an n-by-n grid of sites. Each site is either open or blocked. A full site is an open s…
In computer science, functional programming is a programming paradigm, a style of building the structure and elements of computer programs, that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids state and mutable data. It is a…
Optimization Welcome to the optimization's programming assignment of the hyper-parameters tuning specialization. There are many different optimization algorithms you could be using to get you to the minimal cost. Similarly, there are many different p…
Today I complete Socket Programming Assignment 1 Web Server Here is the code: #!/usr/bin/python2.7 # Program: Web Server # Date: 2016-03-19 # Author: brant-ruan # P.S. from socket import * serverPort = 12000 # Prepare a server socket serverSocket = s…
Expected OutputTrigger Word Detection Welcome to the final programming assignment of this specialization! In this week's videos, you learned about applying deep learning to speech recognition. In this assignment, you will construct a speech dataset a…
Introduction For this first programming assignment you will write three functions that are meant to interact with dataset that accompanies this assignment. The dataset is contained in a zip file that you can download from the Coursera we…
Neural Machine Translation Welcome to your first programming assignment for this week! You will build a Neural Machine Translation (NMT) model to translate human readable dates ("25th of June, 2009") into machine readable dates ("2009-06-25…