SGU128 Snake】的更多相关文章

SGU128,题意是给定N个点,问说能不能形成一个闭环G,要求G经过每个点,且在每个点处都有90度的转角,且不能出现自交. 没想出来,通过这提供的思路,由于每个点处都需要90度的转弯,因此每个点处必然有一条横向以及一条纵向的路径穿过,单从某个x来看,由于上述限制,因此需要有偶数个点两两配对.然后通过搜索判断是否连通,最后再借助树状数组判断是否有自交的情况(”+”这种自交形状)出现. PS: 这里有个GDB的简单教程. #include <iostream> #include <algor…
SGU 解题报告(持续更新中...Ctrl+A可看题目类型): SGU101.Domino(多米诺骨牌)------------★★★type:图 SGU102.Coprimes(互质的数) SGU103.TrafficLights(交通灯)---------★★type:图 SGU104.LittleShopofFlowers(小花店)---★type:DP SGU105.Div3(整除3) SGU106.TheEquation(方程)-------------★type:数论 SGU107.…
Design a Snake game that is played on a device with screen size = width x height. Play the game online if you are not familiar with the game. The snake is initially positioned at the top left corner (0,0) with length = 1 unit. You are given a list of…
Design a Snake game that is played on a device with screen size = width x height. Play the game online if you are not familiar with the game. The snake is initially positioned at the top left corner (0,0) with length = 1 unit. You are given a list of…
题目描述 “What a boring world!”Julyed felt so bored that she began to write numbers on the coordinate paper. She wrote a “0” on the center, then wrote the follow numbers clockwise, which looked like a snake as below.   “Damn! I have fulfilled the paper!”…
在"图像分割之(一)概述"中咱们简单了解了目前主流的图像分割方法.下面咱们主要学习下基于能量泛函的分割方法.这里学习下Snake模型简单的知识,Level Set(水平集)模型会在后面的博文中说到. 基于能量泛函的分割方法: 该类方法主要指的是活动轮廓模型(active contour model)以及在其基础上发展出来的算法,其基本思想是使用连续曲线来表达目标边缘,并定义一个能量泛函使得其自变量包括边缘曲线,因此分割过程就转变为求解能量泛函的最小值的过程,一般可通过求解函数对应的欧拉…
You are given a grid of numbers. A snakes equence is made up of adjacent numbers such that for each number, the number on the right or the number below it is +1 or -1 its value. For example, 1 3 2 6 8 -9 7 1 -1 2 1 5 0 1 9 In this grid, (3, 2, 1, 0,…
A. Fox And Snake 题目连接: Description Fox Ciel starts to learn programming. The first task is drawing a fox! However, that turns out to be too hard for a beginner, so she decides to draw a snake instead. A sna…
图像切割之(五)活动轮廓模型之Snake模型简单介绍 在"图像切割之(一)概述"中咱们简单了解了眼下主流的图像切割方法.以下咱们主要学习下基于能量泛函的切割方法.这里学习下Snake模型简单的知识,Level Set(水平集)模型会在后面的博文中说到. 基于能量泛函的切割方法: 该类方法主要指的是活动轮廓模型(active contour model)以及在其基础上发展出来的算法,其基本思想是使用连…
贪食蛇. GAME OVER有2种情况,1是咬到自己,2是出界. 1)用QUEUE来保留占据的格子,每走一格就添加1个,然后POll()最后一个. 做一个一样的SET来check要走的格子是不是已经在自己身体里.这里需要注意用int[2]来加到SET里是不行的..开始怀念C的指针了. 我们用一个比较典型的HASH来通过一个整数记录位置. 比如高是4,那么高的INDEX是0-3,不会超过4.对于一个点M,N来说,HASH最后的结果就是m*高 + n,这样不会有collision.. 2)出界比较好…