以下是一个例子,SPDataSource用于查询内容,DatasourceMode属性指定查询范围(网站集,网站,列表),SelectCommand是Caml查询:Xsl展示内容,下面列子是用table展示. <WebPartPages:DataFormWebPart runat="server" EnableOriginalValue="False" ViewFlag="8" ViewContentTypeId=""…
By default SharePoint 2013 doesn’t have a breadcrumb (like the 2010 version used to have). This was a very helpful feature to navigate back in your site and some users really miss it. The good news is Microsoft didn’t remove it from SharePoint 2013,…
前言 配置SharePoint 2016的配置向导中,第三步创建配置数据库报错,然后百度.谷歌了一下,都没有解决,自己看日志搞定,也许会有人遇到类似问题,分享一下. 1.配置向导的错误截图,如下图: 2.根据上图找到错误日志,日志里的详细信息,如下: Failed to create the configuration database. An exception of type System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException was thrown. Additiona…
在开发sharepoint中,经常遇到需要自定义显示列表中的一部分作为导航的内容, 如公告栏,新闻链接,最新动态等.... 我们通常需要显示一个列表的标题,并且限制字符长度, 外加一些条件,如按创建的时间倒序这样来显示最新的动态, 显示的时间也需要转换格式等... 那我们来看看原始的列表如下图: 修改后的效果: 接下来我们用SPD打开这个站点,在sitepages里面新建一个页面, 命名为allexception, 这是个空白的页面, 然后点击插入显示表单 我们需要显示显示多少行,找到<asp:…
Time again to attempt to implement that exciting technology, Federation Services (Web Single Sign On, SAML, WS-Federation, or whatever you want to call it) with SharePoint. Last time we tried this, SharePoint 2010 was a baby product, MS was just test…
最近在处理SharePoint Office365的相关开发的时候发现了这样一个奇怪的现象: 无法通过API更新Editor field,只要已更新就会throw Exception,由于是Office365的Exception,无法单单从Exception中分析出问题原因,而且奇怪的是新创建的List也存在同样的问题. 试了半天也没找到解决办法,单单看field的SchemaXml也没发现什么比较特殊的地方. 无奈之下save了一个list template,上传到本地的SharePoint…
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/hh824675(v=office.14).aspx Creating a SharePoint Sequential Workflow Using a Custom Task Approval Field SharePoint 2010   Summary:  Learn how to programmatically create and test a SharePoint sequential…
Question  144 You are planning a feature upgrade for a SharePoint 2010 farm. The original feature with a version number of is activated in numerous scopes within the farm. You have designed a new version of the feature,, which has bee…
Question 147You have a Web application named WebApp1.You have a Feature receiver named FeatureReceiver1. FeatureReceiver1 stores a connection string in the web.config file of WebApp1.You need to ensure that when FeatureReceiver1 makes configuration c…