See more: /** * Created by Answer1215 on 1/13/2015. */ /** * Controller(s) * */ function AppController($rootScope, $location) { var appCtrl = this; $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeError', f…
AngularJS的service怎么声明此处就不再赘述,下面的例子是ui-router中使用service的实现代码 $stateProvider.state('myState', { url: "/itemDetail/:itemId", templateUrl:"view/item.detail.html", resolve:{ //你没有看错,myData1的值是个字符串 //但是必须是个已经被声明了的service myData1: "mySer…
ControllerAs: Use thecontrollerAs syntax always as it aids in nested scoping and controller instance reference. Bad: <div ng-controller="MainCtrl"> {{ someObject }} </div> Good: <div ng-controller="MainCtrl as main">…
Annotation Order: It's considered good practice to dependency inject Angular's providers in before our own custom ones. Bad: // randomly ordered dependencies function SomeCtrl (MyService, $scope, AnotherService, $rootScope) { } Good: // ordered Angul…
Module definitions Angular modules can be declared in various ways, either stored in a variable or using the getter syntax. Use the getter syntax at all times (angular recommended). Bad: var app = angular.module('app', []); app.controller(); app.fact…
After reading Google's AngularJS guidelines, I felt they were a little too incomplete and also guided towards using the Closure library. They also state "We don't think this makes sense for all projects that use AngularJS, and we'd love to see our co…
前言 我们知道默认的路由提供(Route Provider)在复杂的应用程序中是不太适合应用场景,它存在诸多限制,所以在Angular 1.2之后此时我们不得不将路由提供作为一个单独的模块当我们需要使用时即ngRoute,但是该ngRoute使用起来还是不够灵活,AngularJS团队很快意识到了这点,于是提出了ui.router作为ngRoute的完美替代品. 话题 此节我们要讨论关于Route的高级,也就是深入探讨AngularUi Router中的比较高级的内容,关于ui.router有如…
原文链接:a better way to learn AngularJS - promises AngularJS通过内置的$q服务提供Promise编程模式.通过将异步函数注册到promise对象,Promise编程模式提供一种链式调用异步函数的方式. Promise模式作为ES6规范之一,取得JavaScript原生支持.AngularJS中$q服务提供的接口,非常近似这一新的规范,所以代码移植到ES6版本将会非常容易. 初始化: <html> <head> <title…
What's promise Angular’s event system provides a lot of power to our Angular apps. One of the most powerful features that it enables is automatic resolution of promises. Promises are a method of resolving a value or not in an asynchronous manner. Pro…
AngularJS学习笔记--002--Angular JS路由插件ui.router源码解析 标签: angular源码angularjs 2016-05-04 13:14 916人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报 本文章已收录于: AngularJS知识库   angular而言,它自然也有内置的路由模块:叫做ngRoute. 于是,一个基于ngRoute开发的第三方路由模块,叫做ui.router,受到了大家的“追捧”. 首先,无论是使用哪种路由,作为框架额外的附加功能,它们都将以模块依赖的形…