最近在学习安卓开发,开始是看视频学的,基本上是照着老师的操作来,但其实老师也是按照安卓的开发文档来教的,于是决定试试自己看文档来学. 今天学到AutoCompleteTextView,一上来先按照ListView的操作流程: 1.获取对象 2.创建Adapter对象实现BaseAdapter接口 3.setAdapter 结果发现这不行..因为从源码中可以看到adapter参数必须是一个filterable list adapter! /** * <p>Changes the list of…
介绍 A text field allows the user to type text into your app. It can be either single line or multi-line. Touching a text field places the cursor and automatically displays the keyboard. In addition to typing, text fields allow for a variety of other a…