The Lost Art of C Structure Packing】的更多相关文章

对齐要求 首先需要了解的是,对于现代处理器,C编译器在内存中放置基本C数据类型的方式受到约束,以令内存的访问速度更快. 在x86或ARM处理器中,基本C数据类型通常并不存储于内存中的随机字节地址.实际情况是,除char外,所有其他类型都有“对齐要求”:char可起始于任意字节地址,2字节的short必须从偶数字节地址开始,4字节的int或flot必须从能被4整除的地址开始,8比特的long和double必须从能被8整除的地址开始.无论signed(有符号)还是unsigned(无符号)都不受影响…
写在前面 目前,我们在着色器中要传递多个uniform变量时,总是使用多个uniform,然后在主程序中设置这些变量的值:同时如果要在多个shader之间共享变量,例如投影矩阵projection和视变换矩阵view的话,仍然需要为不同shader分别设置这些uniform变量.本节将为大家介绍interface block,以及基于此的uniform buffer object(UBO),这些技术将简化着色器中变量的传递和共享问题.本节示例程序均可以从我的github下载. 本节内容参考自:…
由于使用别人的Dll,导出的是一个实体类,在C#里封送很难,百度下,有个朋友回复一篇英文的,虽然不一定使用,但可以作为一个知识点,现把原文贴下: c#调用C++写的dll导出类,包含继承,重载等详细介绍(转载)忘了出处 Inheriting From a Native C++ Class in C# Hi, this is Jim Springfield, an architect on the Visual C++ team.  I have blogged in the past about…
引言 R的内存管理机制究竟是什么样子的?最近几日在讲一个分享会,被同学问到这方面的问题,可是到网上去查,终于找到一篇R语言内存管理不过讲的不清不楚的,就拿memory.limit()函数来说,是在windows下才使用的,作者几乎没有提及,还有rm(),gc()函数到底怎么工作的,什么时候用,都无从提及.看来百度是解决不了了,关键时候还是靠google啊,这不,很快找到了一篇相当不错的文章Memory,还是人家外国人比较注重细节,下面的部分几乎是从那儿翻译过来的.需要学习R的高级编程的同学,可以…
Libraries And Bindings     LuaDirectory > LuaAddons > LibrariesAndBindings This is a list of libraries implemented in Lua or implemented in another language (e.g. C) but having a Lua interface. For older libraries and bindings, see the LuaAddonsArch…
目录 AIMR Suggested Fixed-Income Readings I. Perspectives on Interest Rates and Pricing of Traditional Fixed-Income Securities, Yield Curve Behavior, and Monetary Policy 1 Overview: Institutional Details and Pricing Fundamentals 2 Yield Curve Analysis-…
原文:Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 学习笔记之 --- 第八章:光照 代码工程地址: 学习目标 理解基本的材质和光照之间交互方式: 熟悉局部光照和全局光照之间的不同: 学习如何用数学的方式描述平面上一个点的方向,以便于计算入射光和平面之间的夹角: 学习如何准确的变换法向量: 区分环境光,漫反射和高光: 学习如何实现点… Loren on the Art of MATLAB March 1st, 2007 Creating Sparse Finite-Element Matrices in MATLAB I'm pleased to introduce Tim Davis as this week's guest blogge…
<计算机程序设计艺术>即<The Art of Computer Programming>是计算机领域里颠峰级的里程碑,加上国外人士对它的推崇,所以提起它的大名简直就象法律书籍中的宪法一样神圣. Donald.E.Knuth(唐 纳德.E.克努特,中文名高德纳)是算法和程序设计技术的先驱者,是计算机排版系统TEX和METAFONT的发明者,他因这些成就和大量创造性的影响深 远的著作(19部书和160篇论文)而誉满全球.作为斯坦福大学计算机程序设计艺术的荣誉退休教授,他当前正全神贯注…
VK Cup 2015 - Round 1 (unofficial online mirror, Div. 1 only)E. The Art of Dealing with ATM Time Limit: 2 Sec  Memory Limit: 256 MBSubmit: xxx  Solved: 2xx 题目连接 Description ATMs of a well-known bank of a sm…
很多话说得很透彻,把一些觉比较精彩的摘抄一下. ... It seems to me that if the authors I studied were writing today, they would agree with the following characterization: Science is knowledge which we understand so well that we can teach it to a computer; and if we don't fu…
此主要讨论图像处理与分析.虽然计算机视觉部分的有些内容比如特 征提取等也可以归结到图像分析中来,但鉴于它们与计算机视觉的紧密联系,以 及它们的出处,没有把它们纳入到图像处理与分析中来.同样,这里面也有一些 也可以划归到计算机视觉中去.这都不重要,只要知道有这么个方法,能为自己 所用,或者从中得到灵感,这就够了. 8. Edge Detection 边缘检测也是图像处理中的一个基本任务.传统的边缘检测方法有基于梯度 算子,尤其是 Sobel 算子,以及经典的 Canny 边缘检测.到现在,Cann…
Implement a data structure supporting the following operations: Inc(Key) - Inserts a new key with value 1. Or increments an existing key by 1. Key is guaranteed to be a non-empty string. Dec(Key) - If Key's value is 1, remove it from the data structu…
Design a data structure that supports the following two operations: void addWord(word) bool search(word) search(word) can search a literal word or a regular expression string containing only letters a-z or .. A . means it can represent any one letter…
Design and implement a TwoSum class. It should support the following operations:add and find. add - Add the number to an internal data structure.find - Find if there exists any pair of numbers which sum is equal to the value. For example,add(1); add(…
Graph Structure Graph Definition theano's symbolic mathematical computation, which is composed of: Apply node: the application of an operator to some variable. Variable node: symbolic varibles. Op node: mathematical operation like: +,-,*,\,sqrt,sum,t…
昨晚我的MBP突然出现启动的时候会自动关机的问题.开机进入到 Recovery 模式之后,用 Disk Utility 检查系统盘,发现 Invalid Node Structure 错误, Disk Utility 表示无法修复-- 难道又要靠 Time Machine 重装?切换到 Terminal 之后,可以各种访问系统盘的东西,直觉磁盘应该没有很严重的问题.可是如何修复呢? 切换到 BOOTCAMP 的 Windows 系统一顿搜索,然后用了以下方法修复了磁盘问题: 重启,刚开机就按住… Summary We present 2-3 finger trees, a functional representation of persistent sequences supporting access to the ends in amortized constant time, and concatenation and splitting in time logarithmi…
Atitit  图像处理Depixelizing Pixel Art像素风格画的矢量化 在去年的时候,偶然看到hqx算法. 一个高质量的插值放大算法. 与双线性插值等插值算法相比,这个算法放大后对人眼保护相对比较好. 没有双线性插值看起来模糊,固然,也抽空把算法简单优化了一下. 常规的图像填充采样放大 "经典"的图像填充采样放大,应用线性滤波器,或导出于分析插值理论.或导出于信号处理理论.使用滤波器的实例,比如"最近邻,Bicubic和Lancosz [ Wolberg 19…
AVEVA Model Data Exchange Exports Structure Use Model Data Exchange Addin to export structure models for PDMS: Figure 1.1 Structure models in AVEVA PDMS Figure 1.2 Structure models exported by Model Data Exchange Figure 1.3 Put pi…
Mesh Data Structure in OpenCascade 摘要Abstract:本文对网格数据结构作简要介绍,并结合使用OpenCascade中的数据结构,将网格数据在OpenSceneGraph中可视化. 关键字KeyWords:OpenCascade.OpenSceneGraph.Triangulation.Mesh Data Structure 一.引言 Introduction 三角网格就是全部由三角形组成的多边形网格.多边形和三角网格在图形学和建…
30.8 Structure And Representation Of MIB Object Names We said that ASN.1 specifies how to represent both data items and names. However, understanding the names used for MIBvariables requires us to know about the underlying namespace. Names used for M…
30.6 The Structure Of Management Information In addition to the standards that specify MIB variables and their meanings, a separate standard specifies a set of rules used to define and identify MIB variables. The rules are known as the Structure of M…
首先什么是社区(Community structure)呢?其实并不是指一个网络相互连接的部分,而是一个网络中链接“紧密的部分”,至于怎么定义紧密就有很多方法了. 社区发现算法可以参考下面的博客:博客1,博客2 那么又该如何动手实现呢?? 由于小组主要使用python和R语言编程,所以首先想到networkX这个python包,但是我找了一下里面并没有相应的算法实现.其次是igraph,它提供了python和R语言的接口,然而通过调查,只在R的接口文档里找到了一些社区发现算法,比如几个fast_…
/app – 程序根目录     /app/etc – 全局配置文件目录     /app/code – 所有模块安装其模型和控制器的目录     /app/code/core – 核心代码或经过认证得模块,如果要升级不要这里的代码     /app/code/community – 社区版的模块目录     /app/code/local – 定制代码目录     /app/code/core/Mage – magento默认命名空间     /app/code/core/Mage/{Modu…
Gerald is into Art Gerald bought two very rare paintings at the Sotheby's auction and he now wants to hang them on the wall. For that he bought a special board to attach it to the wall and place the paintings on the board. The board has shape of an a…
salve复制线程停止,尝试start slave 时报ERROR 1872错误mysql> system perror 1872 MySQL error code 1872 (ER_SLAVE_RLI_INIT_REPOSITORY): Slave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repository解决过程1.看样子是找不到中继日志的仓库,但是查看变量relay log的位置是设置了的mysql> show va…
So I've been messing up with Django(1.6+) project setting for quite sometime, this is what i finally settled on. Notice that old django releaes might have a different structure than this. Some explanations: 1. As for the static folder under myproject…
Design and implement a TwoSum class. It should support the following operations: add and find. add - Add the number to an internal data structure.find - Find if there exists any pair of numbers which sum is equal to the value. For example, add(1); ad…
题目要求: (**) Flatten a nested list structure. Example: scala> flatten(List(List(1, 1), 2, List(3, List(5, 8)))) res0: List[Any] = List(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8) 参考: 针…