使用ssh-genkey生成公用key,但是自己使用时会多次提示,Enter passphrase for key,这儿给出如何解决. 在${HOME}/.bashrc中增加如下代码: alias auto_passphrase=auto_passphrase SSH_ENV=~/.ssh/environment # start the ssh-agent function start_agent { echo "Initializing new SSH agent-&qu…
使用Git,每次都提示输入命令. 这个问题折磨很久,明明已经配置过ssh了,可是每次还要提示输入密码,从网上查查,最后一条命令解决问题: 问题提示: Enter passphrase for key 'xxxx' 输入一下命令: ssh-add -K xxx 之后就再也没遇到这种问题. 出现Could not open a connection to your authentication agent. a. ssh-agent bash b. Enter passphrase f…
git push -u origin master Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. 似乎GitHub for Windows 设置的ssh key在命令行下就不能用.只需在Git Bash配置SSH KEY就可以解决 参…