(以下是ubuntu上的配置........ 但如果你是在window上的,直接用一下配置吧(懒得介绍了)=.= syntax on filetype indent plugin on set ruler set nu set showcmd :colorscheme blue map <F4> :!g++ -o2 -std=c++ % -o %<<cr> map <F5> :!%<<cr> map <C-A> ggVG"+…
主要参考: 1.http://www.ozbotz.org/opencv-installation/ 2.http://www.ozbotz.org/opencv-install-troubleshooting/ 开发环境:VMware下Ubuntu+OpenCV2.4.7 安装过程: The Installation Procedure To install and configure OpenCV 2.4.1, complete the following steps. The comman…
主要参考: 1.http://www.ozbotz.org/opencv-installation/ 2.http://www.ozbotz.org/opencv-install-troubleshooting/ 开发环境:VMware下Ubuntu+OpenCV2.4.7 安装过程: The Installation Procedure To install and configure OpenCV 2.4.1, complete the following steps. The comman…
运行几年前做的项目,发现各种编译报错,一个一个解决记录下: 1.Xcode(Xcode9)编译运行报错,但是在 issue navigatior 栏看不到错误信息: 解决方案:在 show report navigator 栏查看编译错误信息: Showing All Messages The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to log in with account '**@**.com'. (The login details for acc…