Hacking Bsides Vancouver 2018 walkthrough】的更多相关文章

概述: Name: BSides Vancouver: 2018 (Workshop) Date release: 21 Mar 2018 Author: abatchy Series: BSides Vancouver Web page: https://www.abatchy.com/projects 下载: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j3r9l7kaydwsdm9/BSides-Vancouver-2018-Workshop.ova 方法1:主机侧面攻击 扫描探测…
一.20 Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools Of 2018 首先罗列常见的Android手机hacking的工具 #1The Android Network Hacking Toolkit 15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools In the last Defcon conference, a new tool has been released by a security researcher and the too…
关于 下载链接 目标:拿到root用户目录下的flag.txt 全程无图! 信息收集 因为虚拟机网络是设置Host-only,所以是vmnet1这张网卡,IP段为192.168.7.1/24 nmap -T4 -A Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00040s latency). Not shown: 997 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp…
Burp Suite is one of the best tools available for web application testing. Its wide variety of features helps us perform various tasks, from intercepting a request and modifying it on the fly, to scanning a web application for vulnerabilities, to bru…
Burp Suite is one of the best tools available for web application testing. Its wide variety of features helps us perform various tasks, from intercepting a request and modifying it on the fly, to scanning a web application for vulnerabilities, to bru…
2018年10月12日-14日,受主办方的邀请,有幸参加了这次的Maker Faire Shenzhen 2018,并参与了Maker Faire Shenzhen 2018 论坛-创客的城市共创(Co-Making in the City). 在Booth Demo环节,我展示了这次在hackster上获奖的两个项目,一个是“cSense: Campus Environmental Surveillance System”,另一个是“Baby Monitor with Walabot”.后面的…
2018年Windows漏洞年度盘点丨老漏洞经久不衰,新0day层出不穷 腾讯电脑管家2019-02-12共17875人围观 ,发现 1 个不明物体网络安全资讯 https://www.freebuf.com/news/195195.html 前言 漏洞是影响网络安全的重要因素,而漏洞攻击作为恶意攻击的最常用手段,更是有着目标行业化.手段多样化的趋势,不论是个人还是企业,都面临着严峻的漏洞威胁. 2018年在轰动式的“幽灵”.“熔断”两大CPU漏洞中揭开序幕.“震网3漏洞利用挖矿”.“ 412挂…
一.google hacking site site:cnblogs.com 毒逆天 intitle intitle:login allintitle allintitle:index of allinurl:forcedownload.php?file= inurl inurl:/cgi-bin/MANGA/index.cgi cache 快照页 cache:stackoverflow.com filetype filetype:pdf Kali Linux site+filetype sit…
狗汪汪玩转无线电 -- GPS Hacking Kevin2600 · 2015/12/09 10:12 0x00 序 GPS Hacking 在过去几年的安全会议上一直都是很受关注的议题. 但往往因为内容太过学术化, 所需设备成本太高. 让许多感兴趣的朋友苦于无法入门. 直到GPS-SDR-SIM 这类开源项目的出现, 跟王康大牛在今年Blackhat Europe 2015 上的主题演讲. 彻底打开了GPS 的神秘面纱. 让小伙伴可以真正过一把GPS Hacking 的瘾. 想必大家对于研究…
http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=2018 真心爱过,怎么能彻底忘掉 题目大意: 长度为n的串,由1和2组成,连续的1不能超过a个,连续的2不能超过b个 dpa[i] 表示长度为i时以a为结尾的串的个数,dpb[i] 类似 求dpa[i]时 需要枚举结尾a的个数就可以了 dpb[i] 类似 #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>…