Continuous Design】的更多相关文章

Continuous Design T he rising popularity of refactoring, tools such as JUnit, and agile methodologies such as Extreme Programming (XP) has brought a new style of design into view. Continu…
Introduction Many approaches to object oriented modeling tend not to scale well when the applications grow in size and complexity. Context Mapping is a general purpose technique, part of the Domain Driven Design (DDD) toolkit, helps the architects an…
原文地址: Background Domain Driven Design (DDD) is about mapping business domain concepts into software artifacts. Most of the writings and articles on this topic have been based on Eric Evans' book "Domain Dr… Following my previous post regarding a possible design of continuous delivery scheme for an ISV, I’d like to focus today on ThoughtWorks Go. This tool used to be qu…
I want to give a quick tutorial on fitting Linear Mixed Models (hierarchical models) with a full variance-covariance matrix for random effects (what Barr et al 2013 call a maximal model) using Stan. For a longer version of this tutorial, see: Sorense…
Action Bar The action bar is a dedicated piece of real estate at the top of each screen that is generally persistent throughout the app. It provides several key functions: Makes important actions prominent and accessible in a predictable way (such as…
1. Introduction 程序员编写的可视化图表与专家眼中的设计标准总存在差距.我们无法每次都向可视化专家咨询设计上的意见,所以我们需求将设计标准,研究成果应用于自动化设计工具的正式框架,这些工具有助于对于推荐数据的合理编码和正确的视觉探索方式.我们建议将可视化设计标准建模为约束的集合,并结合从实验数据中学习到的软约束的权重,使用求解器把理论设计知识具体的,可扩展和可测试的表达出来的系统.我们使用Draco实现了我们的想法,Draco是一个基于答案集编程(ASP)的基于约束的系统.本文的贡…
by Alexander Libman with Vladimir GilbourdNovember 25, 2005 Summary This article investigates and compares different design patterns of high performance TCP-based servers. In addition to existing approaches, it proposes a scalable single-codebase, mu…
One characteristic of time-series data workloads is that the dataset will grow very quickly. Without the proper data infrastructure, these large data volumes can cause slowdowns in primarily two areas: inserting the data into the database, and aggreg…
Designing cost functions is difficult and getting them all to cooperate to produce reasionable vehicle behavior is hard. some of the difficulties associated with cost function design include solving new problems without unsolving old ones. when you a…
title: 带你实现开发者头条APP(四)---首页优化(加入design包) tags: design,Toolbar,TabLayout,RecyclerView grammar_cjkRuby: true --- 一 .前言 上次模仿开发者头条首页实现了一个版本,给345大神,我的产品经理一看,又被鄙视了一把,说还在用老的技术,于是乎这三天把整个design包研究了一遍,然后把首页的代码几乎重写了一遍....顺便用上了android studio,方便大家导入... 效果图如下: 从gi…
一.写在前面 其实博主在之前已经对design包的各个控件都做了博文说明,无奈个人觉得理解不够深入,所以有了这篇更加深入的介绍,希望各位看官拍砖~ 二.从是什么开始 1.首先我们得知道CoordinatorLayout是什么玩意儿,到底有什么用,我们不妨看看官方文档的描述: CoordinatorLayout是一个"加强版"FrameLayout,它主要有两个用途: 1.用作应用的顶层布局管理器,也就是作为用户界面中所有UI控件的容器 2.用作相互之间具有特定交互行为的UI控件的容器…
一.侧滑界面Menu自定义: 在menu文件夹下新建activity_main_drawer.xml文件,自定义标题和icon: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <menu xmlns:android=""> <group android:checkableBehavior="s…
Material Design Reveal effect(揭示效果) 你可能见过但是叫不出名字的小效果 前言: 每次写之前都会来一段(废)话.{心塞...} Google Play首页两个tab背景用了这个效果,三星计算器用了这个效果,酷安也看见这个效果,但就是叫不出名字!!!抓狂啊!!! 没办法,由于这个效果类似 涟漪效果,所以我就用** Ripple 为关键字,找过RippleDrawable** ,但是没发现...最后在Google的帮助下,我从一个陌生的网站看到了Reveal Effe…
Google在2015的IO大会上,给我们带来了更加详细的Material Design设计规范,同时,也给我们带来了全新的Android Design Support Library,在这个support库里面,Google给我们提供了更加规范的MD设计风格的控件.最重要的是,Android Design Support Library的兼容性更广,直接可以向下兼容到Android 2.2.这不得不说是一个良心之作. 使用方法很简单,只需要添加一句依赖 compile '…
终于介绍到Design包的最后的东西了. 也很简单,一个是TextInputLayout. TextInputLayout作为一个父容器,包含一个新的EditText,可以给EditText添加意想不到的效果,特别在注册功能开发中,用处非常广泛. 它可以直接提示输入错误,而不至于像以前一样总是点击按钮后才能检测出输入的错误,当有很多输出框的时候更是难以区分.. 并且还可以把hint 默认提示值放到上面去. 项目已经同步至:…
前面讲了Design包的的CoordinatorLayout和SnackBar的混用,现在继续理解Design包的AppBar; AppBarLayout跟它的名字一样,把容器类的组件全部作为AppBar. 如: < android:layout_width="match_parent" app:theme="@style/Base.ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark…
在前面的Design中,学习使用了TabLayout,NavigationView与DrawerLayout实现的神奇效果,今天就带来本次Design包中我认为最有意义的控件CoordinatorLayout. 当然还有SnackBar,不过他在实际运用中一般都是和CoordinatorLayout搭配使用的. 先说下SnackBar,这个控件其实我觉得和Toast没什么差别,不过功能上的确有增强.这个控件可以通过setAction方法设置类似按钮一样的东西.而且这个东西可以设置多个. 重点还是…
前面讲解了Design包下的TabLayout的使用,下面将带来NavagationView和DrawLayout以及toolbar的联动. 项目已经同步至: NavigationView 通过提供抽屉导航所需的框架让实现更简单,同时它还能够直接通过菜单资源文件直接生成导航元素.把NavigationView作为DrawerLayout的内容视图来使用.NavigationV…
Google在2015的IO大会上,给我们带来了更加详细的Material Design设计规范,同时,也给我们带来了全新的Android Design Support Library,在这个support库里面,Google给我们提供了更加规范的MD设计风格的控件.最重要的是,Android Design Support Library的兼容性更广,直接可以向下兼容到Android 2.2.这不得不说是一个良心之作. 使用方法很简单,只需要添加一句依赖 compile '…
原文链接: Design Patterns Simplified - Part 3 (Simple Factory)[设计模式简述--第三部分(简单工厂)] This article explains why and how to use the Simple Factory Design Pattern in softw…
Design a Phone Directory which supports the following operations: get: Provide a number which is not assigned to anyone. check: Check if a number is available or not. release: Recycle or release a number. Example: // Init a phone directory containing…
Design a hit counter which counts the number of hits received in the past 5 minutes. Each function accepts a timestamp parameter (in seconds granularity) and you may assume that calls are being made to the system in chronological order (ie, the times…
Design a simplified version of Twitter where users can post tweets, follow/unfollow another user and is able to see the 10 most recent tweets in the user's news feed. Your design should support the following methods: postTweet(userId, tweetId): Compo…
Design a Snake game that is played on a device with screen size = width x height. Play the game online if you are not familiar with the game. The snake is initially positioned at the top left corner (0,0) with length = 1 unit. You are given a list of…
Design a Tic-tac-toe game that is played between two players on a n x n grid. You may assume the following rules: A move is guaranteed to be valid and is placed on an empty block.Once a winning condition is reached, no more moves is allowed.A player…
Design a data structure that supports the following two operations: void addWord(word) bool search(word) search(word) can search a literal word or a regular expression string containing only letters a-z or .. A . means it can represent any one letter…
Design and implement a TwoSum class. It should support the following operations:add and find. add - Add the number to an internal data structure.find - Find if there exists any pair of numbers which sum is equal to the value. For example,add(1); add(…
刚才询问博客园团队: [6年开源路]三石今日送福利,AppBox4.0源码免费拿!FineUI家族今日全部更新(FineUI + FineUI3to4 + FineUI.Design + AppBox)! 我的文章有300多个推荐,却没上首页的[最多推荐],而现在的最多推荐只有 18 个.是故意的么? 博客园团队回答: 您好,计算“最多推荐”时,将标题超过50个字符的博文排除了.望理解! 好吧,我现在把标题改…
ava.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.czr.ianpu/com.czr.ianpu.MainActivity}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #9: Error inflating class at…