Network Basic Commands Summary】的更多相关文章

Network Basic Commands Summary set or modify hostname a)     temporary ways hostname NEW_HOSTNAME, but if you reboot your system, it will disabled. b)    permanent ways: edit "/etc/sysconfig/network" HOSTNAME, then restart system, it will effect…
Welcome to Linux world! Introduction and Basic commands--Part one J.C 2018.3.11 Chapter 1 What Is Linux? Linux is a Unix-like open source operating system. At the core of the operating system is the Linux kernel. It acts as the intermediary between t…
Just sharing what I have learned about postgres recently. Here is a part of basic commands you may need. Enjoy it! Before try the following commands, please ensure you are followed the introductions on github:…
1.Basic Operations 5+6 3-2 5*8 1/2 2^6 1 == 2 %false ans = 0 1 ~= 2 %true ans = 1 1 && 0 %AND ans = 0 1 || 0 %OR ans = 1 xor(1,0) %ans = 1 PS1('>> '); %change the command prompt info a = 3 %show a = 3 in screen a = 3 %not show a = 3 in scree…
@1: 应用层的常用协议以及对应的端口号: DNS 53/tcp/udp SMTP 25/tcp POP3 110/tcp HTTP 80/tcp HTTPS 443/udp TELNET 23/tcp FTP 20/21/tcp tftp 69/udp IMAP 143/tcp snmp 161/udp snmptrap 162/udp @2: URIs, URLs, and URNs 首先,URI,是uniform resource identifier,统一资源标识符,用来唯一的标识一个资…
1. man - an interface to the on-line reference manuals $man man 2. apt - advanced package tool SEE ALSO: apt-cache, apt-get, apt.conf, sources.list $apt-cache search mysql 3.sudo - execute a command as another user (sudo allows a permitted user to ex… config/ &    --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic kafkatopic --list --zookeeper localhost:2181 kafka-console-prod…
1.物理层 物理层 协议:RJ45.CLOCK.IEEE802.3 (中继器,集线器) 作用:通过媒介传输比特,确定机械及电气规范(比特Bit) 1.1 通信基础 数据 (data) —— 运送消息的实体. 信号 (signal) —— 数据的电气的或电磁的表现. 模拟信号 (analogous signal) —— 代表消息的参数的取值是连续的. 数字信号 (digital signal) —— 代表消息的参数的取值是离散的. 码元 (code) —— 在使用时间域(或简称为时域)的波形表示数…
原文地址: 介绍 在专业的网络世界中,经常使用到Virtual Routing and Forwarding(VRF),比如Cisco,Alcatel-Lucent, Juniper 等.对于L2 switch,自从上世纪90年代就开始使用VLAN,一个物理交换机上可以使用多个广播域,如今大多数交换机都支持4K vlan. 这个概念被引入到L3,如今很多网络设备支持VRF.这意味着,单个物理设备上可运行多个虚拟…
Roadmap RBF Network Hypothesis RBF Network Learning k-Means Algorithm k-Means and RBF Network in Action Summary…
Roadmap RBF Network Hypothesis RBF Network Learning k-Means Algorithm k-Means and RBF Network in Action Summary…
webapi里的特性 /// <summary> /// Basic验证 /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// /// </remarks> public class BasicAuthorizeAttibute : AuthorizeAttribute { public override void OnAuthorization(HttpActionContext actionContext) { var authorizati…
1:Kali Version root@kali-node01:~# cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Kali GNU/Linux Rolling" NAME="Kali GNU/Linux" ID=kali VERSION="2018.2" VERSION_ID="2018.2" ID_LIKE=debian 2:Kali Kernal Version root@kali-node01:~#…
FROM: The cat (short for “concatenate“) command is one of the most frequently used command in Linux/Unix like operating systems. cat command allows us to create single or multiple files,…
Using an open debug interconnect model to simplify embedded systems design Tom Cunningham, Freescale Semiconductor AUGUST 29, 2007 Technology people are generally familiar with the Open Systems Interconnection model for computer networks and protocol…
1.环境规划,三台主机      集群网络  复制网络 centos7.3    ceph版本  luminous   12.2.4  ceph-deploy  2.0.0 2.ceph体系架构 3.ceph核心概念 Monitors: A Ceph…
          HEC-ResSim Reservoir System Simulation             User's Manual       Version 3.1 May 2013     Approved for Public Release. Distribution Unlimited.     CPD-82 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 The public reporting b…
Emacs 版本: CentOS 内核版本:2.6.32-573.el6.x86_64 参考资料: [1] [2] [3] /[Your Emacs Directory]/emacs-24.5/INSTALL 源码安装…
这个叫水银的源代码管理工具尽管默默无闻,但还是得到了非常多团队的使用. 为了迎合某些团队的须要,我们也要用它来管理我们的代码. 今天的任务是先袭击学习.磨刀不误砍柴工. 对工具的掌握越快.工作的效率就会越高. 1.安装 首先从官网下载最新的版本号,我这次做个实验,下载了3.2-rc. 解压到你指定的文件夹下: [linc@localhost mercurial]$ ls mercurial-3.2-rc.tar.gz [linc@localhost mercurial]$ tar xzvf me…
copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config : to save your configuration changes to the startup configuration so that the changes will not be lost if the software reloads or a power outage occurs command | {begin | include | exclude} regular-expr…
Improve the performance of your network using the caching and access control capabilitiess of squid. A beginner level knowledge of Linux/Unix operating system familiarity with basic commands is all what you need.Squid runs almost on all Linux/Unix op…
{     "listconfigurationsresponse": {         "count": 305,         "configuration": [{             "category": "Advanced",             "name": "account.cleanup.interval",             &…
When you are using Linux command line frequently, using the history effectively can be a major productivity boost. In fact, once you have mastered the 15 examples that I’ve provided here, you’ll find using command line more enjoyable and fun. 1. Disp…
Ceph : performance, reliability and scalability storage solution Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Testing case 2 Installation 2.1 First node 2.2 Other nodes 3 Deploy 3.1 Cluster 3.2 Monitor 3.2.1 Add the first monitor 3.2.2 Add a monitor 3.2.3 Remove a mo…
1. 安装mercurial Mercurial 是一种轻量级分布式版本号控制系统,採用 Python 语言实现 能够输入hg命令查询系统是否安装mercurial,能够例如以下两种命令安装 $sudo pip install mercurial 成功安装之后 $sudo easy-install mercurial 安装之后.输入hg命令.例如以下内容显示,表示安装成功 mercuria $ hg Mercurial Distributed SCM basic commands: add  …
格式优美的perl代码不但让人赏心悦目,并且能够方便阅读. perltidy的是sourceforge的一个小项目,在我们写完乱七八糟的代码后,他能像变魔术一样把代码整理得漂美丽亮,快来体验一下吧!!! perltidy 主页: 安装方法: 进入解压后的文件夹,然后运行一下命令 perl Makefile.PL make make test make install 用法: 配置一下vim,使得我们在写代…
quagga作为一个路由器软件,自然要提供人机接口. quagga提供snmp管理接口,而且,自然就会有对应的命令行管理格式,当然一般路由软件不会提供界面形式的,也许有webui,然而quagga并没有. 我们要看的就是这个命令行处理的代码 command. 接触过类似命令行的朋友肯定有一点点好奇吧,那么数量庞大的命令和参数输入,还可以提供提示和自动补齐,这肯定不是一件很简单的事情. 下面是一个配置示例: ! interface bge0 ip ospf authentication messa…
What is Docker? By Tim Butler • 14 May 2015 • Unless you've been living without internet access for the last two years, it would be hard not to at least heard of Docker. But, as an emerging technology no…
日志更新记录: [1] 增加 CentOS7.2 (内核版本:3.10.0-514.16.1.el7.x86_64)下Emacs25.2 的安装过程,它与本文的步骤完全一样. Emacs 版本: CentOS 内核版本:2.6.32-573.el6.x86_64 参考资料: [1] [2] ht…
前言 之前做了一个项目,需要写python脚本来修改组件的安装方式,脚本是在windows下面的pycharm下面进行编写,但是编译要在linux上面进行分模块的maven编译,虽然之前也写了pycharm自带的远程同步代码教程,但是小组当时还是决定使用samba来做.那么使用samba如何实现呢? Samba介绍 Samba是在Linux和UNIX系统上实现SMB协议的一个软件,由服务器及客户端程序构成.另外,它又是基于NetBIOS协议工作的. NetBIOS和SMB/CIFS的概念 Net…