By James Roper (@jroper), February 6, 2018 In my current role at Lightbend I’m investigating and pursuing opportunities where Reactive Streams can make the lives of EE4J…
1 响应式编程规范 目标:provide a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking backpressure A key ingred…
在上一节我们介绍了Iteratee.它的功能是消耗从一些数据源推送过来的数据元素,不同的数据消耗方式代表了不同功能的Iteratee.所谓的数据源就是我们这节要讨论的Enumerator.Enumerator是一种数据源:它会根据下游数据消耗方(Iteratee)的具体状态主动向下推送数据元素.我们已经讨论过Iteratee的状态Step类型: trait Step[E,+A] case class Done[+A,E](a: A, remain: Input[E]) extends Step[…
Quick Start Guide: Reactive Tweets 快速入门指南: Reactive Tweets (reactive tweets 大概可以理解为“响应式推文”,在此可以测试下GFW是否还在正常工作 Twitter) A typical use case for stream processing is consuming a live stream of data that we want to extract or aggregate some other data fr…